myAvail 9.5 Release Notes

Avail has completed the development and testing of the new myAvail build: ETMS 9.5 These builds address issues found in previous builds and include new and merged functionality. The issues resolved and feature enhancements and adjustments are described in the tables below.

Feature Enhancements and Adjustments

ID # Description
myAvail Human Resources
Specific priority fixes deployed across the myAvail Human Resources functionality.
Adding Personnel/User Settings
19906 Adding supporting info to ACA form process.
19910 Add Veteran & Disability Status to the Employee Master Record.

Ability to add more levels of permissions for custom menus.
This item also impacts Finance and Payroll modules.

myAvail Payroll
Specific priority fixes deployed across the myAvail Payroll functionality.
Alternative Earnings Statement Emails
35089 Enhance Validation on Earning Statement Email process.
39981 Configurable ReplyTo, CC/BCC Fields for Earnings Statement Emails.
myAvail Planning and Scheduling
A maintenance cycle performed on the myAvail Data Import feature.
31723 Schedule Data Import - Prevent users from retroactively updating their service levels and destroy their NTD reporting (AMTRAN)
32126 Schedule Data Import - Validation Improvements
38861 MAIOR Fixed Route Scheduling Integration
myAvail RTPI
A maintenance cycle performed on the myAvail RTPI focused on support of GTFS Export changes.
Managing Route Attributes Using the Routes Card
39060 Add Configuration Options to GTFS Feed_info.txt
31778 Foothill - Add support for longer GTFS route long name
myAvail Compliance/Business Intelligence

This is the final development item on the PA FRITS contract and will provide PennDot with the capability to view the performance of all 32 agencies in a singular portal.

This feature is a specific delivery on Avail's FRITS project with Pennsylvania DOT.

41119 View Enhancements - State Wide Datawarehouse
41120 Statewide Top Level Dashboard
41121 ETL Creation for State Wide PennDot Warehouse
41377 Revenue Pullout-Pullin Analysis - State Wide Datawarehouse
41378 Schedule Health - State Wide Datawarehouse
41380 On-Time Analysis By Departure - State Wide Datawarehouse
41381 Farebox and APC Analysis - State Wide Datawarehouse
41382 Prepend All Report Labels with Agency Name - State Wide Datawarehouse
myAvail Compliance/Vehicle Incidents

myAvail Compliance Vehicle Incidents now has been enhanced to capture additional data on the incident including tow and road call severity. Incidents list has been optimized as well. 
Vehicle Info Tab

41056 Decouple Tow and Roadcall Severity
41096 Optimize Paged List Query for Incidents
41672 Create Algorithm to Replace Google Turn by Turn Directions Abbreviations
myAvail Transit Operations/Detour
This development is related to the myAvail InVehicle work as an initial delivery on the IndyGo Project.
Editing Detour Segments
42318 Detour - automatically generate turn by turn directions per detour segment
myAvail Transit Asset Management

This development is focused on myAvail initial migration of the myAvail ETMS Work Order features and will be released to a subset of customers as a pre-release to myAvail 10.

Vehicle and Work Order Management
Work Order Display

Work Order Management Settings

32956 Inactive Vehicle Filter (Default to Active) - Transit Assets/Asset Inventory/Vehicles
34856 Ability to show/hide Inactive Labor Codes
41569 Add Guard Card Tables to Baseline
41744 Upgrade ETMS Blazor App to .NET 8
41821 License New Work Orders (ETMS_Work_Orders) to allow locking feature in release 9.5.0
41418 WO - Maintenance Employee Setup - Supervisor
41447 WO - Class Code Setup - Supervisor
41453 WO - Labor Operation Code Setup - Supervisor
35505 Read Only Information Display: Work Order List Screen
myAvail In-Vehicle

In Vehicle Route Adherence Navigational Assistance - This feature provides a map centric experience for the operator using myAvail's In-Vehicle suite of products.

The initial product delivery will be delivered to IndyGo as an early adopter of navigational assistance while on detour. In subsequent phases this will expand to include a GUI update for the MDT interface and the extension of navigational assistance to all patterns utilized (all route/trips/variations).

41038 Detour - Store Entire Google API Response
41672 Create Algorithm to Replace Google Turn by Turn Directions Abbreviations
41500 In Vehicle Mapping for the MDT
40820 Data model in the IVU for sharing GPS with MDTGUI
40821 Data model in IVU for sharing map data with MDT GUI
40838 Extend spatial library for In-Vehicle mapping

Resolved Issues

ID # Description
myAvail Business Intelligence
41854 Operator ID not being passed to Incidents from Decision Support
myAvail Compliance
40034 Service Desk Performance Issues
38366 Incident notifications will not be sent out if Incident is saved with invalid data
myAvail Finance
41224 FNGL_FinancialReportNameTable spaces vs no spaces in ReportName column
40032 Finance GL/AP modules are non performant
36517 Issue with Inactive parts in PO
38169 Unnecessary step when entering a PO
myAvail Operations
35471 Detour - Route Segments Affecting Off Route on days when detour is not scheduled (IndiGo)
40042 Operations > Mobile Personnel grid not updating when adding user as mobile
40043 Operations > Mobile Personnel incorrect error message thrown with double click (add mobile user dialog)
40907 CamTran - Yard Map and Vehicle Locations not populating the same information between users.
41460 STS Intermittent Connection Lost
41832 Bus Card Dialog Comms Buttons Always Showing
42013 Operations > Sent Msgs - carriage return in message causing text to overrun the grid
41437 Operations Pullout grid - grid blanks out for a while after creating a duplicate/tripper
myAvail Operations/Dispatch
40609 OpenSilver saved map view doesn't enable route selections in the Map's Routes dropdown
41301 Minor issues with filter dialogs
41338 Pullout - 'checkbox' column header missing
41350 Pullout grid - check-in column does not filter correctly
41759 Emergency Alarm does not automatically follow vehicle
42084 Operations - Changing monitored Fleet Groups while dispatching is not filtering correctly
41844 Live Map - Route Ladder Button always shows on Vehicle Card
myAvail Payroll
41566 Default Margins Incorrect - FNAP_CheckPrintReportSOX
myAvail Planning and Scheduling
37504 Error generating GTFS files if geometry is invalid
myAvail RTPI
36414 GTFS Shapes file out of sequence and errors with shape distances
38729 GTFS - Service not being removed correctly in Calendar_Dates.txt resulting in Overlapping trips in GTFS, making it an invalid GTFS feed.
39639 GTFS - Trips not being built into trips.txt for new single day service level if its the first day of a scheduled publish and GTFS feed.
41436 Operations Pullout grid - tripper styling is hard to read
41573 IVR Query By Stop does not allow stop numbers longer than 6 characters
41845 ConfigGlobal-pre-deploy code assumes Config_Global and DB_Pipeline_Log table both exist; new properties they do not exist yet.
42081 IVR not interpreting HTML-escaped characters correctly
35435 Combined GTFS Duplicating feed_info.txt requiring manual adjustment
myAvail Transit Assets
41062 Resolve Differences with GET Transtrack View



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