Adding Personnel

  Navigation: ETMS > Human Resources > Personnel


The Add Personnel feature is a multiple-tab form that dynamically adds additional tabs based on your selections on the first tab, Basic Info. Fill in the fields on each tab using the button to proceed through the form. Completing all the required fields - marked with asterisks - to save the record and create a new user. 

To add new personnel, click mceclip0.png in the left panel or from the center of the personnel window. 


If your agency collects applications with JazzHR, you can take advantage of our integration to streamline adding personnel

Feature Contents

The feature collects user data across six form tabs:

Basic Info

This tab is the user’s basic information and can be edited by your Human Resources team and those with the appropriate position settings.


Display Name - This field defaults to Last Name, First Name, but you can adjust the display name. The display name must also be unique, as it identifies the user activity for all reports within myAvail and ETMS. HINT: Avoid duplicating accounts for this reason.

Is Active - This button will default to checked when entering in a new employee. To make a user inactive, uncheck the Is Active checkbox. A popup will ask you to confirm the selection, as the user will no longer be able to access the system. 

User Type - This is used by agencies who need to define employees versus contractors or other user types. Selecting Employee activates the Employee Info and Personal Info tabs. 

WARNING: If you change a user from employee to another user type, you will lose access to the user data in the Employee Info and Personal Info tabs. To remove access for past employees, leave the User Type as Employee and uncheck the Is Active box.

Position - This drop-down contains the list of possible positions to assign to a user. This choice defines the system functionality the user can access. This field is required. See Positions Overview for more information. 

Email - The system generates an email address in the format but you can change the value. myAvail sends incident alerts and pay stubs to this email, so ensure the email address is valid before proceeding. See Incident Alerts and Email Addresses, Passwords, and PINs for more information.

Additional Fields - Enter the user’s address, city, state, and zip code. For email and mobile phone numbers, enter the information for where myAvail should send email and text alert messages. 

User Settings

From this tab, you will create a User Name and Password that the new user will use to log into myAvail ETMS. The system generates a username in the format firstinitiallastname but you can change the value. Usernames may only contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and special characters -._@+

A password is required to access myAvail. Passwords must be at least 8 characters, have at least one non-alphanumeric character, at least one digit, and one special character (!,@,#,$,etc.).

Passwords are not required for vehicle operators, who use the in-vehicle MDT to log in to the system. Use the checkboxes if the user will be accessing Purchase Orders or Requisitions. See Employee Authorization Setup to learn more.

The Email Password is only used for personnel whose email address entered on the Basic Info tab is used for emailing out of myAvail ETMS (i.e. from requisitions or payroll).

See User Profile and Email Addresses, Passwords, and PINs for how users manage their information. 

Click Save and continue to the next tab.

Employment Info

Employee Id, Payroll Status, and Hire Date are required fields on this tab.

TIP: If using payroll, set up Additional Employee Information in Legacy Screens.

The following employee information will be set up through legacy PR screens accessed via ETMS: HR product suite card: 

  • Pay Rate
  • Benefits
  • Dependents
  • Payroll Information

Personal Info

Enter the new employee’s Social Security Number, Date of Birth, Gender, EEO Code, Marital Status, Driver’s License#, Expiration Date, License Class, Restrictions, Name Change, and check if the employee is a Veteran or has Disability. Click Save.

Position Settings

The contents of the Position Settings tab depend on the user's assigned position. For example, some users require access to confidential information, thus these fields/tabs will only be active for certain positions where social security numbers, etc., are needed. Administrators can set functions for positions that add fields to this tab. Depending on the user’s position, some of the following additional information may need to be added.

User Alert Date/Times/Days - These times indicate when myAvail can send alert messages to receive alerts 24/7 while a shift leader might receive them only during work hours. Union rules can apply.

Default Fleet Groups - This field specifies which fleet groups the user will automatically monitor while they are on the Operations tab. A fleet group is a defined set of vehicles.

Default Talk Group - This field sets the default group the user monitors. A talk group is a defined set of communications devices, such as radios and VoIP numbers.

Event Email and Text Alerts - Specify the types of alerts that the user should receive. Typically, an internal event triggers an alert to notify a user about the need to act. Avail customizes these alerts for each property. User profile update needs to be assigned to anyone that will be authorizing employee changes.

Incident Email and Text Alerts - Specify the types of incident alerts that the user should receive. When a user records an incident (usually an external event), it triggers these alerts. Avail customizes the types of alerts that are available to meet the needs of each property.


If the user is a Bus Operator, the Position Settings tab will show the following fields:

Operator Type - Specify whether operators are full-time, part-time, or extra-board employees.

Extra board - Check this checkbox to indicate that this user is an extra board driver. The term extra board operator applies broadly to operators who fill in for shifts as needed.

Logon ID - The numeric ID value that the operator uses to log in to Avail’s in-vehicle MDT (mobile data terminal). This value must be unique for each Operator. 


This tab is informational only and will track who originally created this user, when it was created, the last user who updated any fields for this user, and when.

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