Managing Route Attributes Using the Routes Card

Using the Routes Card

After importing your digital schedule into the Avail system, you will need to define some required attributes for each route using the Routes Card. Then, you'll proceed to the Build & Deploy tab to:

1. Validate the schedule
2. Build the Run files and
3. Set up the deployment (set the date, select file types and vehicles, then deploy). 

Routes Card

(after defining attributes which will be discussed in this article)

When you select a route, you'll be able to interact with 2 tabs for that route: Passenger Information and Operations Information. In the screenshot below, we've opened RT 1 to manage passenger information:

Passenger Info Tab

Use the Passenger Information tab to:

  1. Sort the routes in order of preference (Displays the routes in a specified order on myStop- first, second, third, etc. This feature allows you to prioritize/ designate your highest ridership routes near the top of the menu display, as preferred.)
  2. GTFS URL (Optional Field) Some agencies like to provide GTFS with a URL link to that route's online PDF timetable.
  3. Add the route's abbreviation (RT 1). The abbreviation is used in the myStop app and website
  4. Enable visibility for your ridership (Tip: You can choose to hide or show routes on myStop or GTFS. Example: You provide service for employees, like a shuttle to and from work. This route can be hidden from the public. 
  5. Background Color (Used to define each route's trace for impactful visual display on your myStop applications and for the dispatch map.)
  6. Text Color (Use to define a high- contrast color for the text/route name description.)
  7. Google Description (Optional field). Some agencies like to provide riders and Google with a description of where the route services stops. For example, Route 1 services downtown and then travels outbound to Springfield via Route 22.
  8. Save your work (Press the blue 'Save' button.)

Color Picker: Click directly on the 'color bar' (below image indicates one in red, one in white), to display and use the color wheel to choose what is preferred:

TIP: Use high-contrast colors for visual impact. Avoid grey and white combinations, as one example, which are low contrast and difficult to see (grey trace, white text).
For more useful tips on colors for Routes please review the Marketing Tips for Routes & myStop article. 

After defining each route's attributes, the color definitions will display on myStop for ridership.

Operations Info Tab

Use the Operations Information tab to:

  1. Set thresholds for Early departures (Most agencies set this value to '0' or '1' minute, to best ensure ridership isn't missed at the stop.)
  2. Set thresholds for Late departures (Most agencies set this value to 5 minutes.)
  3. Set the Overcapacity threshold (Most agencies set this value to 90%. Use the Fleets Card in Transit Assets to indicate seating capacity. This is a required step to capture overcapacity alerts. The Route Status tab, used by dispatch, includes a column for vehicle capacity/seating)
  4. Set the External Volume for quiet times (External volume is typically for route announcements that play when the door is opened at a scheduled stop.)
  5. Set the Ridership source (This should be set to ‘farebox’ if farebox data is being imported into the Avail system via GFI, or Avail Fare Screens, etc.  If not, APC Boards is a good option for agencies that are fare free or lack farebox integration). Automatic Passenger Counters collect ridership data for boards and alights via installed sensors.
  6. Select the Fareset for the Route. This step is critical for agencies using farebox integration. It assigns fareset information for the route. This is key to the run file, which is the piece of work operators log into on the MDT. If this step is incorrect, the run file will be missing the correct fareset id, which will lead to validation issues after the schedule publish (example: exceptions processing).
  7. Visible on Dispatch (Hide/Show the routes visible to dispatchers).
  8. Monitor for Headway (Used to alert dispatch when buses are bunched or gapped/ too close together or too far apart. Useful if more than one vehicle services the route. Use the toggle button to activate alerts.) Dispatch monitors this.
  9. Off Route (If active, this alerts dispatch when vehicles are off their scheduled roads. Off route notifications are based on the route traces created for the route in Geographic Tools. Most agencies have this set to 500 feet.)
  10. Save your work
TIP: Thresholds are sets of minutes built- into scheduled depart times, to best ensure on the road conditions can realistically line up with the digital schedule. Thresholds are like cushions of time.

Adding a New Route

After you import a schedule that includes a new route, you'll need to follow the steps indicated above before proceeding to the Validation/Build/Deploy steps. This step is important as the new route will need its name, route trace color, route trace visibility to dispatch and myStop, among other characteristics such as fare and ridership sources. 

TIP: Additional directions for this process can also be found in the myAvail User Guide (How To use the Routes Tab), which resides within your Wayfinder Tool, located in ETMS.

Software Version 9.5 Features: Long Route Names

For agencies that prefer longer names for routes for their GTFS feed, there is a new field on the 'Passenger Info' section of the Routes card which can be used to pull longer routes names from the scheduling package. This field populates in the routes.txt. file, which is included in the schedule data import package. Please see screenshots below: 

New Long Name Field

New Long Name In Use

Where does the GTFS long name display? 

The long name field is used on the Trip Planning feature of your myStop applications (website and phone apps).




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