myAvail Enhanced Schedule Import - Hastus

myAvail Data Import has been enhanced to include both special duties and premium time.  Giro’s Hastus product has the capability through their AVL_Avail interface to include vehicle pieces beyond fixed route service (such as paratransit) and premium pay elements (such as overtime and guaranteed time).  This data set enables myAvail’s Automated Dispatch and Operator Timekeeping to calculate payroll records for consumption by the myAvail Payroll product.

In addition to the standard data mapping between myAvail and Giro’s Hastus product (see Appendix A), the user should be aware that following data elements must be set in the Hastus interface for successful import into the myAvail Automated Dispatching product.

Hastus Configuration notes for Automated Dispatch

Signup – A signup defines the period that a schedule is operated in.  The signup field would be represented by a combination of the date and the Scenario Field from Hastus.

All Schedule Types that should be included in a standard signup should be assigned the same scenario number.  Avail recommends using scenario number 99 for your primary Signup.

Holidays – Holidays should be defined as a separate scenario number, this allows those schedules to generate a unique signup that can be applied a service exception under the Holiday Service Date functionality in myAvail.

Non-fixed Route runs – Avail assumes that any run without a corresponding block is a non fixed route run and should only be imported for payroll purposes in Automated Dispatch.  These runs will not be used in the myAvail vehicle schedules.

Premium Time – Premium time values such as overtime and guarantee time will be imported into the run pay details of Operator Timekeeping/Automated Dispatch.


Appendix A:

Files that are generated by the GIRO Hastus product for import into myAvail Software

Calendar File – CAL.XML

Defines the schedule scenarios applied on each day of the schedule period

Node File – NDE.XML

Defines the stops used by trips in the schedule

Place File – PLC.XML

Defines placed used by the vehicle schedules

*Avail requires this file but it is not directly used to populate the myAvail system

Main Place Pattern File – PPAT.XML

Defines place in each route and direction pattern

*Avail requires this file but it is not directly used to populate the myAvail system

Itinerary File – NET.XML

Defines the iternerary between each origin-destination pair of stops

Route File – RTE.XML

Defines the routes used by vehicle schedules

Trip Pattern File – PAT.XML

Defines the stops of the trip pattern used by the vehicle schedules

Display Code File – VDC.XML

Defines the vehicle display codes used by the vehicle schedules

Block File – BLK.XML

Defines the blocks used by the vehicle schedules


Trip File – TRP.XML

Defines the trips used by the vehicle schedules

Crew File – CRW.XML

Defines the crew schedules in the schedule period

*Avail expects that a duty identifies all activity for a single operator for the entire service day


Common Data Element Mappings





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