Data Import Specifications


myAvail Data Import

Why does this feature exist:

  • Convert the data from your scheduling package to a format that is usable by the myAvail Software
  • This generic import allows our customers to easily switch between the major fixed route scheduling solutions on the market
  • Using a proprietary validation methodology, agency staff are able to perform schedule changes completely independently
  • This is the same toolset used by our internal services staff for those schedule changes where you may like support from our team of professional schedulers and planners

What do we support:

  • Hastus
  • CSched
  • TMS
  • VPR
  • Trapeze
  • Remix
  • Optibus

Two import specification standards:

  • Basic – this is utilized by the majority of scheduling vendors and provides the basic data required to import schedule data in the myAvail software
    • This will support the operation of the CAD/AVL Dispatch solution, in-vehicle solution and Real-time Public Information System (myStop)
  • Advanced – this standard provides all of the same functionality as basic but also supports:
    • KML import for route traces
    • Operator Run Pay details for myAvail Operator Timekeeping
    • Two way interface for actual data returned to the scheduling/planning software

Basic Schedule Data Import


This document defines the schedule data interface between a fixed route scheduling system and Avail Technologies myAvail CAD/AVL system. The interface consists of a set of files that is created by the scheduling system and read by the myAvail system. This document defines the contents of each of those files.

File Formats

All files are XML files. Each file is a valid XML document. The subsequent chapters in this document define the contents of each file.

The name of each file contains the date on which the file was created, in the format YYYYMMDD followed by a string that describes the contents of the file, e.g.20101128_Stops.xml. The file name for each file type is defined in the chapter for that file.

The root XML element for each file is <SchedFile>

All elements specified below are included, even if the element is empty.

Data Formats and Units

All dates are in the format YYYYMMDD.

All times are seconds past midnight. For times greater than 24:00 (i.e. times past midnight that are considered part of the previous operating day) the seconds past midnight time is greater than 86400 (24*3600).

All distances are in feet.

All latitude and longitude values are in decimal degrees. Boolean values are 1 for True and 0 for False.

Schedule File


The Schedule file contains information about this schedule version. Filename: YYYYMMDD_Schedule.xml

File Content

Example XML:

Tag Data Type Max Length Comments
<Schedule> --- ---

Element that contains schedule information

<Description> String 50 Name of the schedule
<FromDate> String(Date) 8 Starting date of schedule
<ToDate> String(Date) 8 Ending date of schedule

File contains one Schedule element

Services File


The Service Level file contains information about the service levels contained in this schedule. Filename: YYYYMMDD_Services.xml

File Content

Example XML:

Tag/Attribute Data Type Max Length Comments
<Service>     Element that contains service information
ServiceRecordId Number --- Used for reference in other files
<ShortName> String 15 The name of the service level

File contains one Service element for each service level.

Import Notes

Import will create service level number as a one up number. Import will use ShortName as Description

Calendar File


The Calendar file contains information about what service level is operated on each day within the schedule date range. Filename: YYYYMMDD_Calendar.xml

File Content

Example XML:

Tag Data Type Max Length Comments
<Day> --- ---

Element that contains calendar day


<Date> String(Date) 8 This is the day for the service level to be applied.
<ServiceRecordId> Number --- This will reference Services File entries.

File contains one Day element for each date in the date range specified by the FromDate and ToDate values in the Schedule file, including the From Date and To Date.

Import Notes

Import will fill in any dates from ToDate to the end of the year with the NoService service level.

Stops File


The stops file contains information about each stop in the system. Only physical stop points are included in this file. Node only points are not included. All stops will have a valid latitude and longitude value, i.e. all stops must be geo-coded before being exported.

Filename: YYYYMMDD_Stops.xml

File Content

Example XML:

Tag/Attribute Data Type Max Length Comments
<Stop>     Element that contains stop information
StopRecordId Number --- Used for reference in other files
<StopNumber> UInt16 1-65535 myAvail StopID
<ShortName> String 15 myAvail Report Label
<Description> String 50 myAvail Description
<InternetName> String 40 myAvail Internet Name
<TimePoint> Boolean --- True if this stop is a timepoint in any route in any service level.
<Latitude> Number --- Individual Stop Latitude
<Longitude> Number --- Individual Stop Longitude
<IsPublic> Boolean --- True if this stop should be shown to the public in RTPI portals

File contains one Stop element for each stop in the system. Stops that are unused in the current schedule but are still valid stops in the system should be included in this file.

Import Notes

Import will set StopPoint flag to true for all stops.

Routes File


The Routes file contains information about each route in the system. Route information is only included once per route even if the route operates in multiple service levels.

Filename: YYYYMMDD_Routes.xml

File Content

Example XML:

Tag/Attribute Data Type Max Length Comments
<Route>     Element that contains route information
RouteRecordId Number --- Used for reference in other files
<RouteNumber> UInt16 1-65535 myAvail Route Farebox ID. This is the number that will be sent to the farebox.
<RouteName> String 50 myAvail Description
<InternetName> String 40 myAvail Internet Name
<StartTime> Number (seconds) --- The earliest time on this route across all service levels
<EndTime> Number (seconds) --- The latest time on this route across all service levels
<RouteDirection> --- --- Element to contain list of Route Directions
Direction String 3 This is the direction of the route, that the stops are included on
<RouteStop> --- --- Element to contain one stop each for a Route and Direction
StopRecordId Number --- References Stops File Record Ids
<Order> Number --- First stop is order number 1, for each direction of the Route.

File contains one Route element for each route in the system. Stops in all patterns and service levels are included as RouteStop elements. Stops in the RouteDirection element are ordered in pattern order across all patterns in that direction as appropriate.

Routes that are not included in this schedule should not be included in this file even if they are still active in the scheduling system.

Import Notes

Import will have the ability to use either the RouteNumber or the RouteName as the myAvail route report label. However, if the RouteName value is used it will be truncated to 15 characters.

Route IVRName will be entered through DataPoint and will not be overwritten by import.

Patterns File


The Patterns file contains information about each pattern in each route in the system. Filename: YYYYMMDD_Patterns.xml

File Content

Example XML:

Tag/Attribute Data Type Max Length Comments
<Pattern>     Element that contains pattern information
PatternRecordId Number --- Used for reference in other files
<RouteRecordId> Number --- The route that this pattern belongs to
<ServiceRecordId> Number --- The service level this pattern belongs to
<ShortName> String 15 myAvail Pattern Name
<Description> String 50 myAvail Pattern Description
<Direction> String 3  
<InternalSignText> String 16  
<InternetName> String 40 myAvail Internet Name
<PatternStop> --- --- Element that contains stop information for this pattern
StopRecordId Number --- For timepoints this needs to be the record ID of the associated stop, not the node
<Order> Number --- First stop is order number 1
<Distance> Number (feet) ---

Distance offset of this stop from the first stop, in feet. Value is 0 for the first stop.

Distance value must increase with order value.

<TimePoint> Boolean --- True if this stop is a timepoint in this pattern.

File contains one pattern element for each pattern in each route in the schedule. Only patterns that are used in this schedule are included. If the pattern contains a mid-trip layover, this will be represented by including the stop where the layover occurs twice in a row in the pattern. Trips that use this pattern will also contain this stop twice in a row, with the time on the first stop representing the time that the bus arrives at the layover point and the time on the second stop representing the time that the bus leaves the layover point. Deadhead patterns are included in this file with a RouteRecordId that begin with a minus sign (e.g., -22).

Import Notes

myAvail Pattern name will be created by concatenating ShortName with Service Level Number and Direction. Example: OB01-2I. OB01 is the pattern ShortName. 2 is the service level number assigned by the import to the service level designated by the ServicesRecordId. I is the Direction.

If Description is empty, Pattern Name will be used for Pattern Description. If InternetName is empty, InternalSignText will be used for InternetName.

IVR Name will be entered through DataPoint and will not be overwritten by the import.

Trips File


The Trips file contains information about each trip of each route in the system. Filename: YYYYMMDD_Trips.xml

File Content

Example XML:

Tag/Attribute Data Type Max Length Comments
<Trip> --- --- Element that contains trip information
TripRecordId Number --- Used for reference in other files
<RouteRecordId> Number --- The route that this trip belongs to
<Direction> String 3  
<ServiceRecordId> Number ---  
<PatternRecordId> Number ---  
<HeadsignCode> Number --- The code sent to the headsign for this trip
<ExternalAnnCode> Number --- The code sent to the annunciator for the external announcement for this trip
<TripStop> --- --- Element that contains stop information for this trip
StopRecordId Number ---  
<DepartureTime> Number ---

Departure time for this stop. Each stop in the pattern must have a time. When the stops are ordered in pattern order the time must not go backwards.

File contains one Trip element for each trip in the system. Only trips that are part of this schedule are included. See the Patterns File section for a description of how mid-trip layovers are represented. Deadhead trips are included in this file with a RouteRecordId that begins with a minus sign (e.g., -44).

Import Notes

myAvail trip farebox ID will be calculated by the import as the start time of the trip.

myAvail trip report label will be calculated by the import as Farebox ID-Direction. Example: 730-I

Import will only store trip information that is unique. For example, for Route 1, if there is a 730-I trip on weekday service and a 730-I trip on Saturday service, only one 730-I trip for Route 1 will be stored in the trip info table.

Import will verify that a time is provided for each stop in the pattern and that the time does not go backwards when the stops are in pattern order.  It will also verify that a time is not provided for a stop that is not in the pattern.

Import will check time offsets for each trip using the same pattern and if it finds a different set of offsets it will create a new pattern.

Import will check the headsign code and announce code for each trip using the same pattern and if it finds a different set of codes it will create a new pattern.

For deadhead trips, the HeadsignCode and the ExternalAnnCode may be left empty, and the import will default appropriate codes for this condition (e.g., a HeadsignCode that indicates ‘Out of Service’).

Runs File


The runs file contains information about each run in the system. Filename: YYYYMMDD_Runs.xml

File Content

Example XML:

Tag/Attribute Data Type Max Length Comments
<Run> --- --- Element that contains run information
RunRecordId Number --- Used for reference in other files
<ServiceRecordId> Number ---  
<RunNumber> UInt16 1-65535 myAvail FareboxID, and Report Label
<Description> String 50 myAvail Description
<RunPiece> --- --- Element that contains run pieces
PieceNumber Number ---  
<BlockNumber> UInt16 1-65535 The Block number that this piece runs on
<StartTripRecordId> Number --- The record ID of the first trip of this piece
<EndTripRecordId> Number --- The record ID of the last trip of this piece
<StartStopRecordId> Number --- The record ID of the first stop of this piece. This stop must be part of the first trip.
<EndStopRecordId> Number ---

The record ID of the last stop of this piece. This stop must be part of the last trip.

<StartTime> Number --- This time should match the departure time of the Start Stop on the Start Trip.
<EndTime> Number --- This time should match the departure time of the End Stop on the End Trip.

File contains one Run element for each run in the system.

Import Notes

If Description is empty then Run Number will be used for the description in myAvail.

Blocks File


The blocks file contains information about each block in the system. Filename: YYYYMMDD_Blocks.xml

File Content

Example XML:

Tag/Attribute Data Type Max Length Comments
<Block> --- --- Element that contains block information
<BlockNumber> UInt16 1-65535 myAvail FareboxID and report label
<Description> String 50 myAvail Description
<ServiceRecordId> Number ---  
<VehicleType> String 255 The type of vehicle that can be used on this block. This would match a type set for each vehicle.
<BlockTrip> --- --- Element that contains information about this trip in this Block
TripRecordId Number ---  
<Order> Number --- The sequence of this trip in the block

File contains one Block element for each block in the system.

Import Notes

If Description is empty then Block  Number will be used for the description in OmniPoint.

Drivers File (Optional)


The drivers file contains information about each driver in the system. Filename: YYYYMMDD_Drivers.xml

File Content

Example XML:

Tag/Attribute Data Type Max Length Comments
<Driver>     Element that contains driver information
<BadgeNumber> Number 1-99999999 myAvail Farebox_ID and Report Label
<LastName> String 32 myAvail Driver Lastname
<FirstName> String 18 myAvail Driver Firstname

File contains one Driver element for each driver in the system.

Import Notes

OmniPoint Driver Report Label will be the same as their badge number.

Trace Files (Optional)


If available, route trace data can be exported in Google KML format, one file per route.


Advanced Schedule Data Import

Calendar file

The Calendar file contains information about what service level is operated on each day within the schedule date range.

Example XML:

Field # Type (Length) Comments
Calendar 1    
  StartDate 1 Date Requested start date, format yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDate 1 Date Requested end date, format yyyy-mm-dd.
SchedulingUnit1 1 String(8) Requested scheduling unit2.
ScheduleSet3 1 String(8) Requested scheduling set2.
CalendarDate n    
  Date 1 Date Scheduling unit date, format yyyy-mm-dd.
CrewSchedulingUnit 1 String(8) Scheduling unit assigned to the crew schedule.
CrewScheduleName 1 String(8) Crew schedule name.
CrewScheduleType4 1 String(10) Days when the crew schedule operates (text field).


    CrewScheduleTypeValue 1 Integer Code for days when the crew schedule operates (see Chapter 9).
CrewScheduleScenario 1 Integer Scenario number of the crew schedule.
CrewScheduleBooking 1 String(10) Booking that crew schedule belongs to.
VehicleSchedulingUnit 1 String(8) Scheduling unit assigned to the vehicle schedule.
VehicleScheduleName 1 String(8) vehicle schedule name.
VehicleScheduleType 1 String(10) Days when the vehicle schedule operates (text field).
VehicleScheduleTypeValue 1 Date Code for days when the vehicle schedule operates (see Chapter 9).
VehicleScheduleScenario 1 String(8) Scenario number of the vehicle schedule.
VehicleScheduleBooking 1 String(8) Booking that vehicle schedule belongs to.
EventList n   List of events on this date
  EventandStatus 1 String(10)

Event and its status

Format: Event identifier (shortname) followed by its status “on or off”
Example: MRTon, MRToff

Table 4.1 – Calendar

Date records are sorted by the attributes Date and


Node file - ddmmyyyy.NDE.XML

This file includes only the stops used by trips included in the submitted schedule.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
Stops 1    
  Stop n    
  Identifier 1 String(6) Unique stop identifier.
DescriptionforAvail 1 String(50) Stop description
Place 1 String(6) Place associated to the stop, if any.
Xcoordinate 1 Integer X coordinate5 of stop.


    Ycoordinate 1 Integer Y coordinate5 of stop.
IntersectingStreetAtSegmentBeginning 1 String(50) Represent the first intersection.
IntersectingStreetAtSegmentEnd 1 String(50) Represent the second intersection.
SegmentOffset 1 Integer Distance between street segment and actual stop6.
District 1 String(6) District of the stop
Zone 1 String(8) Zone of the stop. It usually reprents a fare zone.
BayId 1 String(6) Bay identifier
IsPublic 1 Boolean True if stop is for public otherwise false7.
DistanceFromIntersectionAtBeginning 1 Integer This value is mutually exclusive with the distance from the second intersection.
DistanceFromIntersectionAtEnd 1 Integer This value is mutually exclusive with the distance from the first intersection.
Longitude 1 Decimal Longitude of the location.
Latitude 1 Decimal Latitude of the location.
StopDdescription 1 String(50)

Stop description. This is a user- entered description, if any.
Otherwise, it is a description generated from the street and nearest intersection (e.g., the generated description for a stop on Market Street near Maple is Market/Maple).

BenchAvail 1 Integer 1 if stop has bench or Other bench, 0 otherwise
ShelterAvail 1 Integer 1 if stop has shelter or Other shelter, 0 otherwise. Does not consider shelter from a building
LightingAvail 1 Integer 1 if lighting within 20' or solar lighting, 0 otherwise
SignageAvail 1 Integer 1 unless the stop is a flag stop or the stop sign is missing


1 Integer 1 if the stop has power, 0 otherwise. Currently, it is always 0.


1 Integer 1 if stop has QR code, 0 otherwise Currently, it is always 0


1 Integer 1 unless stop is flagged as 'not recommended'

Stop records are sorted by the attribute Identifier.

Place file - ddmmyyyy.PLC.XML

This file describes places used by vehicle schedules referred to by the Calendar file. Places are used mainly to define timing points in the network definition.

Stops located at timing points must reference these timing points. For other stops, the reference is optional. Reference places are used to create a relation between places usually when places are close to each other. Reference places are used to simplify some displays and reports, and to avoid duplication of information when defining deadhead or travel information.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
Places 1    
  Place n    
  Identifier 1 String(6) Place identifier.
Description 1 String(40) Place description.
ReferencePlace 1 String(6) Reference place for this place (optional).







Indicates if the place is associated to a garage.
District 1 String(6) District of the place.
Number 1 String(8) Alternative number used by certain customers for special purposes.







Alternative name, used by certain customers for special purposes (for example to use in a display system limited by the number of characters it can handle).
Xcoordinate 1 Integer X coordinate8 of place.
    Ycoordinate   Integer Y coordinate8 of place.
    Longitude   Decimal Longitude of the place.
    Latitude   Decimal Latitude of the place.

Main place pattern for route – ddmmyyyy.PPAT.XML

This file lists places in the Main Place Pattern for each different route and direction covered by trips in the schedule. If a route and direction has no Main Place Pattern, a record is generated with the route identifier, direction text and direction code.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
RoutesMainPlacePatterns 1    
  Trip n    
  Route 1 String(5) Route identifier.
Direction 1 String(*) Direction of the pattern, text form.
DirectionValue 1 Integer Direction code
RouteMainPlacePatternDirection 1 String(10) Identifies the Main Place Pattern for the route direction, if any.
RouteMainPlacePatternPlace n String(6) Place of the place pattern.

Main place pattern records are sorted by the attributes Route and Direction.

Itinerary file – ddmmyyyy.NET.XML

This file describes itineraries between stops. Different itineraries can exist between two stops: a base off­service itinerary, a base in­service itinerary and variant specific itineraries.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
Itineraries 1    
  Itinerary n    
  Number 1 Integer Number of the itinerary.
    StartStop 1 String(8) Stop identifier at the start of the itinerary.
    EndStop 1 String(8) Stop identifier at the end of the itinerary.
    Distance 1 Integer Distance in meters (or feet).
    Xcoordinate n Integer X coordinates of the itinerary.
    Ycoordinate n Integer Y coordinates of the itinerary.
    Longitude n Decimal Longitude of the itinerary.
    Latitude n Decimal Latitude of the itinerary.

Route file - ddmmyyyy.RTE.XML

This file describes routes used by vehicle schedules referred to by the Calendar file.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
Routes 1    
  Route n    
  Identifier 1 String(5) Route identifier.
NumericIdentifier 1 Integer

Numeric identifier of the route.

PublicIdentifier 1 String(5) Public route identifier
RouteIsPublic 1 Boolean Indicates if it is a public route
ServiceType 1 String(*) Type of service (school, express, etc.).
ServiceTypeValue 1 Integer Type of service code
ServiceMode 1 String(*) Transport mode (tram, metro, bus, etc.).
ServiceModeValue 1 Integer Transport mode code
    RouteDescription 1 String(50)  
    RouteLongDescription 1 String(60)  

Trip pattern file – ddmmyyyy.PAT.XML

This file includes the stops of the trip patterns used by the trips included in the vehicle schedules referred to by the Calendar file. Certain stops may be associated with timing points.

For each trip pattern, there is one record for each stop. These are ordered according to the itinerary. Note that the installation settings for the transit agency determine availability of information for trip pattern detail records.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
TripPatterns 1    
  TripPattern n    
  Route 1 String(5) Route of the trip pattern.
Identifier 1 Integer Trip pattern identifier
Direction 1 String(*) Direction of the pattern, text form.
DirectionValue 1 Integer Direction code
VehicleDisplay 1 String(8) Vehicle display code for this pattern.
IsInService 1 Boolean True for in-service trip variant otherwise false
Via 1 String(8) Route variant of the trip pattern.
ViaDescription 1 String(40) Description of route variant specified
TripPatternPoint n    
  StopIdentifier 1 String(8) Stop identifier associated with the trip pattern point.
Place 1 String(6) Place identifier associated with the trip pattern point.
VehicleDisplay 1 String(8) Display code to be used for this stop within pattern. Note that if a new code is not specified for that stop it will show the last specified code within that pattern.
IsAtTimingPoint 1 Boolean True if this stop is a timing point for this trip pattern otherwise false. Passing times are available for timing points.
      ItineraryNumber 1 Integer Itinerary number associated with the trip pattern point.

Trip pattern records are sorted by the attributes Route, Identifier and sequence of stops in the trip pattern.

Display code file - ddmmyyyy.VDC.XML

This file describes vehicle display codes used in vehicle schedules referred to by the Calendar file.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
VehicleDisplayCodes 1    
  VehicleDisplayCode n    
  Identifier 1 String(8) Destination sign code.







Alternative destination sign code. This is sometimes used where different codes are required depending on the display code system installed.
Message1 1 String(40) Description 1 for sign code.
Message2 1 String(40) Description 2 for sign code.
Message3 1 String(40) Description 3 for sign code.
Message4 1 String(40) Description 4 for sign code.

Vehicle Schedules

Block file - ddmmyyyy.BLK.XML

This file describes the blocks for each vehicle schedules referred to by the calendar file.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
Blocks 1    
  VehicleSchedule n    
  Name 1 String(8) Vehicle schedule name.
ScheduleType 1 String(*) Vehicle schedule type (text type fields).
ScheduleTypeValue 1 Integer Vehicle schedule type code
Scenario 1 Integer Vehicle schedule scenario.
Booking 1 String(10) Booking of the vehicle schedule.
SchedulingUnit 1 String(8) Scheduling unit of the vehicle schedule.
Description 1 String(80) Vehicle schedule description.
AvailServiceLevel 1 String(10) Avail service level of the vehicle schedule.
Block n    
  Number 1 String(8) Block number as defined for the company.
InternalNumber 1 Integer

Unique block number in the


BlockLogonId 1 Integer

Represents the numeric block identifier operators use to log in.


OperatingDays 1 String(7) Block operating days using numbers from 1 to 7, beginning with Monday. Each day in the schedule type is shown with the number if the block operates, and an asterisk (*) otherwise.
StartPlace 1 String(6) First place of the block (when pulls are created, this is the garage place)
StartStop 1 String(8) First stop of the block
StartTime 1 Time Time at which the first driver takes charge of the vehicle.
ProductiveStartPlace 1 String(6) Start place of the first in-service trip.


      ProductiveStartStop 1 String(8) Start stop of the first in-service trip of the block
ProductiveStartTime 1 Time Start time of the first in-service trip.
ProductiveEndPlace 1 String(6) End place of the last in-service trip.
ProductiveEndStop 1 String(8) End stop of the last in-service trip of the block
ProductiveEndTime 1 Time End time of the last in-service trip
EndPlace 1 String(6) Last place of the block (when pulls are created, this is the garage place)
EndStop 1 String(8) Last stop of the block.
EndTime 1 Time Time at which the last driver of the vehicle is no longer responsible for the vehicle.
VehicleGroup 1 String(4) Vehicle group identifier
VehicleType 1 String(4) Vehicle type identifier
EventList n   List of events for this block
  EventandStatus 1 String(10)

Event and its status
Format: Event identifier (shortname) followed by its status “on or off”
Example: MRTon, MRToff

Trip n    
  InternalNumber 1 Integer Unique trip number

Trip file - ddmmyyyy.TRP.XML

This file includes all trips used in vehicle schedules referred to by the Calendar file.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
Trips 1    
  Trip n    
  InternalNumber 1 Integer

Unique trip number 

Number 1 String(8) Trip number.
PermanentNumber 1 Integer Represents the permanent internal trip number.
OperatingDays 1 String(7) Trip operating days using numbers from 1 to 7, beginning with Monday. Each day in the schedule type is shown with the number if the trip operates, and an asterisk (*) otherwise.
RouteForStatistics 1 String(5) Route identifier of this trip.
Pattern 1 Integer Trip pattern assigned to this trip.
Type 1 String(*) Trip type (pull-in, pull-out, deadhead, regular, and opportunity).
TypeValue 1 Integer Trip type code
IsSpecial 1 Boolean True when it is a special trip otherwise false. Special trips do not have a detailed trip pattern.
IsPublic 1 Boolean True if trip is for public information otherwise false.
DisplayCode 1 String(8) Identifier of the vehicle display code assigned to the trip
DisplayCodeExport 1 String(80) Concatenated message 1 and message 2 of the vehicle display code.
IVRDescription 1 String(512) IVR description of the vehicle display code


    TripStop n   This element contains at least 2 stops
  ArrivalTime 1 Time Arrival time at the stop.
DepartureTime 1 Time Departure time at the stops.  If there is no loading time, the departure time is the same as the arrival time
AllowBoarding 1 Boolean True if passengers can board the vehicle at the stop
AllowDebarking 1 Boolean True if passengers can get off the vehicle at the stop
TPNote 1 String(10000) Note on timing point. Driver and Driver/Public notes are exported.
TripNotes n   A trip can have more than one trip note.
  TripNote 1 String(10000) Notes on trip. Driver and Driver/Public notes are exported.


Crew Schedules

Crew Schedule file - ddmmyyyy.CRW.XML

This file describes the planned crew schedules referred to by the Calendar file.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
CrewSchedules 1    
  CrewSchedule n    
  Name 1 String(8) Crew schedule name.
ScheduleType 1 String(*) Crew schedule type (text type fields).




Crew schedule type code
Scenario 1 Integer Crew schedule scenario.
Booking 1 String(10) Booking of the crew schedule.
SchedulingUnit 1 String(8) Scheduling unit of the crew schedule.
Description 1 String(80) Crew schedule description.
Piece n    
  DutyIdentifier 1 String(8) Duty identifier
InternalNumber n Integer

Unique duty number




Represents the numeric run (duty) identifier operators use to log in.




Duty operating days using numbers from 1 to 7, beginning with Monday. Each day in the schedule type is shown with the number if the duty operates, and an asterisk (*) otherwise.




Unique block number

Position 1   Position of the piece within the duty.
ReportPlace 1 String(6) Place where the employee reports for work for that piece




Time when the employee must report for work for that piece.
StartPlace 1 String(6) Start place of the piece.
StartStop 1 String(8) First stop of the piece
StartTime 1 Time Start time of the piece.
EndPlace 1 String(6) End place of the piece.


      EndStop 1 String(8) Last stop of the piece.
EndTime 1 Time End time of the piece.
ClearPlace 1 String(6) Place where the employee is free.
ClearTime 1 Time Time when the employee is free.




Unique piece number

EventList n   List of events for this duty
  EventandStatus 1 String(10)

Event and its status
Format: Event identifier (shortname) followed by its status “on or off”
Example: MRTon, MRToff


Shape file - Shapes.XML

This file describes itineraries used by trip patterns assigned to trips of the vehicle schedules referred to by the Calendar file.

Field # Type (Length) Comments
Shapess 1    
  Shape n    
  Identifier 1 String(10) Identifier the shapes of the trip pattern. Trip pattern route and trip pattern external identifier, concatenated.
ShapePointLatitude 1 String(5) Represents the latitude of the itinerary shape point.
ShapePointLongitude 1 String(*) Represents the longitude of the itinerary shape point.
ShapePointSequence 1 Integer Sequential order of the shape point in the trip pattern.


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