Marketing Tips for Routes & myStop

When you are tasked with developing marketing materials for your agency there are some useful tips that will guide you through selecting colors that provide high impact and visual appeal for your marketing campaign and to appeal to your ridership. An example is setting up the colors used for the routes display on your myStop applications (web-based URL and phone apps), or for upcoming Splash events, your agency website, and more. 

The screenshot below illustrates how ridership can easily see the route trace on the map. The selected colors are high contrast:

Here are some tips when it comes to choosing colors and making sure there is enough contrast when marketing your Avail ITS system:

1. Ensure Sufficient Contrast:

2. Avoid Similar Tones:

  • Avoid placing light text on light backgrounds and dark text on dark backgrounds. For example, white text on a pale yellow background or black text on a dark blue background can be hard to read.

3. Test in Different Lighting Conditions:

  • Test your design in various lighting conditions. A combination that looks good on a bright screen might not be readable in a dim environment.

4. Use Text Shadows or Outlines:

  • If you must use light text on a light background or dark text on a dark background for design purposes, consider adding a text shadow or outline to improve readability.

5. Background Patterns and Textures:

  • If using a patterned or textured background, make sure the text remains readable by either simplifying the background or adding a solid color overlay behind the text.

6. Font Weight and Size:

  • Increase the font weight and size to improve readability, especially on backgrounds where contrast is not optimal.

7. Feedback and Testing:

  • Gather feedback from others and conduct user testing to see if your color choices are effective and readable for a diverse audience.


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