myAvail 9.4 Release Notes

Avail has completed the development and testing of the new myAvail build: ETMS 9.4 These builds address issues found in previous builds and include new and merged functionality. The issues resolved and feature enhancements and adjustments are described in the tables below.

Feature Enhancements and Adjustments

ID # Description
Comms Dock on Live Map

The Communications icon on the Live Map opens the Communications dock allowing you to see all the communications details including queued messages and message history. The Dispatch can also call the driver(s) or send a text message.
Depending on how the agency's communications are set up, there can be a Radio or a VoIP communication types. myAvail created two Comms docks with slightly different functionality accommodating these two different types. Compared to our standard Comms Window, this dock version is more efficient and intuitive to use. 
Help article
Training video

39785 Avail Use - Dispatcher Take, Release, Log
39786 Avail Use - Live Map Browser Messaging
39787 Avail Use - Emergency Alarm Event Handling
39788 Avail Use - Create Voice Call
39789 Avail Use - Active Voice Call Controls
39790 Avail Use - Comms Destination Selection and Recipient Picker
39791 Avail Use - Comms Event List
39792 Avail Use - Comms Web Component
39793 Avail Use - Store and Forward Text Messages
39794 Avail Use - Text Messages
39795 Avail Use - Voice Call Status
myAvail Live Map
A maintenance cycle is performed on the myAvail Live Map feature supporting complex or (multi-line) route traces, and changing the default behavior to initially load routes when the feature is launched.
Help article
28726 Live Map - add click-through functionality to Stop card and Vehicle card
40247 Live Map - Select All Routes when Live Map loads
myAvail Pullout/Dispatching
A maintenance cycle performed on the myAvail Pullout feature in myAvail Web Dispatching to improve performance and address specific bugs.
30002 Route & Block Information in Events/Comms Queue Window Backwards: Votran
myAvail RTPI
A maintenance cycle performed on the myAvail RTPI focused on the support of complex (multi-line) route traces and reducing warnings in GTFS feed validation.
12182 Add support for GeometryCollection data for our KML generation code
40782 GTFS Validator - Support New Warning
myAvail Planning and Scheduling
A maintenance cycle performed on the myAvail Data Import feature supporting complex or (multi-line) route traces, supporting a new version of Trapeze Fixed Route Schedule, and miscellaneous bug fixes.
39091 Enhancement Request - Avail/Trapeze Integration for the latest version of the Trapeze Schedule Package
40672 Handling Multiline Strings during Hastus import
41231 Schedule Undefined Items Copying Active to Edits
myAvail Transit Asset Management
A maintenance cycle performed on the myAvail Transit Asset Integration to 3rd party Financial systems and miscellaneous bug fixes in Fuel Island and work order management.
41206 Default GL Account for Parts Order Line Items
41094 Parts Ordering - Handle Integration Unavailable
39076 Finance Interface - Sync Vendor Records
myAvail Human Resources
Specific priority fixes deployed across the myAvail Human Resources functionality.
Help article
36182 Request - The ability to search the "personnel" list by Operator ID or Employee ID
39625 JazzHR API Change - Update to TLS 1.2
myAvail Payroll
Specific priority fixes deployed across the myAvail Payroll functionality.
40033 FNPR Labor Distribution Export (Payroll Reporting)
myAvail System
Specific priority fixes deployed across the myAvail System functionality.
Help article
40815 Remove Self Service Link in BI
Specific cleanup activities deployed across the myAvail ERP System functionality.
35087 Duplication on Check Deduction Audit Report
32879 Mix of All Caps and Title Case for Employee names after conversion.

Resolved Issues

ID # Description
myAvail Live Map
36359 Live Map cannot handle Linestrings
37513 Route Ladder - route chip text not using route text settings
37895 Route Ladder Cannot Display Route
38945 No bus bubbles on Live Map (Missing Route_Color)
myAvail Pullout/Dispatching
40769 Operations Pullout Grid - styling problem with time picker control
40770 Operations Pullout Grid - visual issue causing the 'Check In' column to display an incorrect status
40771 Operations Pullout Grid rarely shows the time tooltip
35148 Operations Pullout Grid - data flickering at the top-left of dropdown lists while scrolling
40894 Pullout Grid - incorrect data sorting on the block and run columns
40780 Operations Pullout scrollbar controls behaving strangely
40786 Operations Pullout - manually setting check in time does not select the 'Check In' checkbox
40896 Pullout Grid - Inconsistent behavior when creating Trippers/Duplicates
40922 Operations - Assigning vehicles in the Pullout grid does not update the Yard Map and Yard Map Grids correctly
40196 LCTA - Scheduled Reports, email subject, and body has incorrect dates
40899 MobilePhone and FixedRouteTraining Icons not displaying on Map in Operations
41131 Geotools Operator Name is not correct on a message
37019 Operations - Columns can't be reordered in sortable/filterable grids 
21486 Handling Multiline Strings Within Detour Traces
38940 Duplicate vehicles being shown in the status grid
myAvail RTPI
39402 GTFS Shape.txt Lat/Lon Points to 13 Decimal Places causing errors in the new GTFS Mobility Validator
40887 GTFS Realtime feed requests from Infopoint hammering the Database
myAvail Planning and Scheduling
40035 PennDOT SLA4 - Pattern Specific Triggerboxes lost during schedule import merge
myAvail Transit Asset Management
41226 Unable to Edit Employee Time in WO
41005 Parts Ordering: Line Item Grid Paging Broken
41090 WO Deferred Defect ODBC Call Failed
40115 Unable to update Daily Service
37776 Fuel Island Settings: History popup location
myAvail Finance
37900 Vender Search-PO's not in numeric order
40895 Fixed Asset Records Locked
myAvail Human Resources
38364 SMS notifications will not work if the user has Phone Number set in addition to Mobile Phone
myAvail Payroll
40229 PR Leave Statements not showing adjustments
33055 AmTran Earning Statement Report Missing Data
38299 Ohio Quarterly tax report upload not working
myAvail Compliance
38045 Incidents UI does not show confirmation of save or display recently saved Incident
38059 Vehicle Incident - Can select an invalid Assignee in dropdown
myAvail System
39877 Chrome Version 121 Breaks Scrollbar Styling


Release Notes 9.4.1 Resolved Issues

ID # Description
41297 OpenSilver Comms Window Slowness
41337 Operations - Queued Msgs tab occasionally hangs the Communications dialog
41352 Operations queues - not adjusting visible area after logging events


Release Notes 9.4.2 Resolved Issues

ID # Description
35134 BWS - Update FallBackStatus for Voice Calls
37409 Comms data cleanup thread dies, resulting in lack of data archiving
41308 Kiosk pages fail to load due to insecure Google reference
41354 ECPOD2 - DB Server CPU at 100%
41432 CA-042305 - PR - DEC9 California XML File Changes
41498 Operations stops receiving status updates, no UI indication of lost connection
41671 Communications_ETMS is not defaulted to be IsLicensable




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