The following list contains article links for the Business Intelligence (BI) reports and related content. Review the articles to learn more about each report.
TIP: Click the button at the bottom of any of these articles to load a queried list of all BI reports. You can also click here.
BI Basics
- Business Intelligence Overview
- Business Intelligence Types of Visualizations
- Business Intelligence Interacting with Visualizations
- Business Intelligence Administrative Functions
- ETMS Dashboards and Reports
- Business Intelligence (BI) Webinar Series
- Customer Data Guide
Transit Assets
Planning & Scheduling
- Average Daily Ridership [Video]
- Farebox and APC Analysis [Video]
- Headway Overview by Arrival
- Headway Overview by Departure
- Headway Departure by Route
- Headway Performance by Route Arrival
- On-time Analysis by Arrival
- On-time Analysis by Departure
- On-time Arrival Performance by Route
- On-time Departure Performance by Route [Video]
- On-time Performance Overview by Arrival
- On-time Performance Overview by Departure
- Low Utilization
- Marketing Dashboard
- Planning and Scheduling Dashboard
- Pullout-Pullin Analysis
- Revenue Pullout Overview
- Running Times Overview
- Running Times Variance
- Schedule Health [Video]
- Trip Running Times
- Vehicle Utilization Drillthrough
- Vehicle Utilization KPI
- Vehicle Utilization Map
Human Resources
- Active Users
- Detour Report
- Events History
- Live QA View
- Logon/Logoff Dashboard
- Operations Dashboard
- Operations Queue Dashboard
- System Events Dashboard
- Customer Service Dashboard
- Fixed Route Performance Dashboard
- F-10 Report - Funding Sources
- Miles and Hours by Vehicle
- Miles and Hours Chart
- Ride Check Sheet
- Safety Dashboard
- Scheduled Vs Actual Service Overview