Service Bulletins Overview

Service Bulletins - formerly known as Customer Service Bulletins (CSBs) - are proactive notifications about products and services, such as program or process changes and known issues. We are committed to providing you with the best service by notifying you as soon as possible through multiple channels to ensure you remain informed.

In this article, we'll discuss the channels we use to communicate and show you examples of each one. 


When we need to distribute a service bulletin, we'll begin communicating it within myAvail ETMS using Wayfinder.

  • The initial announcement will show in the bottom right of your screen and resemble this:
    The text provides an introduction to the service bulletin, stating which users are affected. You have three options:
    • Snooze the announcement by clicking the Remind me tomorrow. The announcement will close and reappear in 24 hours.
    • Click the View the Service Bulletin to dismiss the announcement and open the service bulletin in a new tab.
    • Click the mceclip0.png button in the top-right corner of the announcement to dismiss and close the announcement. 
  • After the first one is dismissed, the same announcement will show in Wayfinder under Announcements:
    This allows you to remove the announcement from your screen, but maintain the content for later review. You'll be able to view the announcement from this location for as long as the service bulletin is active, which depends on the relevancy of the content. 


We use Constant Contact to deliver product and service-related emails. The service bulletin email is a notification distributed to everyone subscribed to the Service Bulletin distribution list. Each notification email will follow the same template including the target audience, ways of accessing the service bulletin, and the option to view the email as a webpage.


The emails will come from Please add this address to your list of safe senders to ensure delivery.

If you are interested in subscribing to our Service Bulletin distribution list, see Avail Email Communications.

Help Center

The service bulletin article contains all the detail and, when applicable, links to relevant documentation:


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