Cybersecurity is a key focus area of every public transportation agency today. Whether it’s securing ITS systems or protecting your agency’s data, Avail is leveraging the latest technologies available to improve enterprise security.
Single sign-on technologies allow employees to log in using the same set of credentials across multiple applications across the organization. Single sign-on provides:
- Greater security and compliance by enabling a single set of credentials with complex passwords and Multi-Factor Authentication
- Improved experience for your employees as your employees aren’t required to remember multiple usernames and passwords for each application
- Reduces your IT burden by leveraging your existing credential management system the likelihood of support requests for password help is significantly reduced.
Avail has leveraged our relationship with Microsoft Azure to offer a Single Sign-On solution for myAvail ETMS. This design allows customers to integrate their existing Azure Active Directory by simply providing Avail with their Tenant ID.
If your organization is not currently using Azure Active Directory, Avail is positioned to assist agencies in determining the best solution. We can assist you in establishing a free tier of Azure Active Directory. Alternatively, we can evaluate your current Identity Management Solution to determine how best to integrate with it.
Reach out to your Account Representative or email to learn more about SSO for myAvail ETMS.