Detour Messages for the Public and the Operators


After you save a detour, myAvail adds it to the list in the Active Detours tab. New detours are highlighted in red, as shown below, because they have not been reviewed yet, or saved by the user.

To rebuild these messages, click the Public - Operators Message icon  for the Active Detour. This icon opens a popup window that displays all the system generated messages for the detour.

Click the Rebuild Message button to generate the initial set of Public and Operator Messages for the detour. Tip: These notifications use predefined message templates that are already in the system.

The Messages window displays all the messages for a detour as shown below.

Best Practice: Click the edit icon  to review, modify as preferred, and save each message.

  • Click on Rebuild Messages:
  • Next, click the pencil to edit each individual message:


  • Review the message then save . Repeat this process for each prebuilt message:
  • Click Save again after reviewing all messages:
  • The value for messages will update from ‘0’ to the number representative of the messages built into the detour:

You may also click the  icon at the top-right of the message grid, and then click either Public Message or Operator Message to manually create a custom message with a system template as a base. You can set all of the usual options on these custom messages.

The Create/Edit Public message window is shown below. The methods for creating and editing detour messages are the same as other messages in myAvail. This User Guide describes those methods in the section about How to Use the Public Messages Tab.

The Create/Edit Operator message window is shown below. The methods for creating and editing detour messages are the same as other Operator Text messages with the Store and Forward option in myAvail. This User Guide describes those methods in the section about Communications Window.

Detour messages in myAvail have the following properties and capabilities:

  • myAvail automatically generates an Operator Message and a Public Message for each Route and Direction using the templates. The system creates separate messages for each direction, so you can customize messaging for each direction.
    • No messages are generated for non-public
  • By default, the Public Message Date and Time range match the Detour Date/Time Range, but you can set the Public Message range separately. For example, you might want to provide advanced notice of the detour in public You can also use the “Set all day” button to set the message time range for the entire day.
  • If the Message Template table defines alternative messages, myAvail can generate different messages for the Web, SMS, Sign, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • If a Route is set as not visible (in the Routes tab), myAvail creates an Operator Message but not a Public
  • You can edit each notification row to customize settings and messages or delete a message entirely if it is not
  • If any of the Stops in the affected Routes and Stops list have a Sign, myAvail creates a separate notification for each Sign using the available templates and the appropriate

If the message content of an Operator or Public Message exceeds the configured limit, or if any other validation errors exist for the notification, the notification row turns red, and you cannot save the Detour until you resolve all errors.

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