Detour management tools give your agency a way to define geographic zones that impact scheduled service and notify your ridership of the changes. The tool enables the distribution of internal and public-facing messages and stops may even be relocated to a temporary location during the active detour; to ensure service in nearby locations for ridership, where possible. When the detour is drawn on the map, the affected routes and stops are both displayed for reference in a table. Use these tables for the needed information to enter any service adjustments ( deviations from scheduled service).
After the temporary trace has been drawn, you may proceed to use the Edit button in the stops table to move the location of any impacted stops within the impact zone (the detoured area) while a detour is active. Drag a stop marker on the map to its new location to provide service to that location instead. After you save the temporary stop/s location, the stop/s will remain there until the detour expires. The stop will appear on myStop in its temporary location, for ridership trip planning needs.
Along with temporarily moving the stop location, you can preserve a stop's scheduled announcement by selecting it from the announcement drop-down menu so it will play in the new location. This step is optional.
Save Button: When you edit a segment (a stop-to-stop distance) or any stops, the Edit button will display in green after you save the update- to indicate that a temporary trace or stop has been modified. This button displays in grey until you 'save' your work.
Reset Button: Use the 'Reset' button to move a stop back to its scheduled location, if you've moved it but wish to leave the stop as 'Skipped'. On the stops table, the Impact status for each stop will appear as Skipped. If you move the stop to a temporary location, the stop/s will display as 'Affected'.
Save Detour: After editing and saving new stop locations and route segments, click the Save Detour button in the top right corner to save the whole detour. A popup window will appear confirming the detour was saved successfully. Click OK.
Important points to keep in mind:
- Update the route traces first, before managing affected stops (moving them, if preferred)
- Use the slider to exclude a route direction (inbound vs outbound). this is useful for cases where the detour only impacted one direction.
- If a stop is moved, the stop name is not modified.
- An announcement is not required but if the stop has one scheduled to play you may include this by selecting it from the Announcement menu.
- If a stop is moved, the software will create a temporary trigger box (a virtual barrier based on the temporary stop location) around the stop. It is used to capture vehicle arrival, dwell, departure data, and ridership data (for boards and alights) and to trigger an announcement (if assigned) at the entry to the virtual barrier/ trigger box area.
- All messages that are built into the software must be reviewed before they are active (operator and public messages)
- In addition to sending out the detour message and turn-by-turn directions when an operator logs onto a route that has a detour, the stop location that has been modified for the detour will be sent out as well.
- If you move a stop, ALL routes in the routes table will automatically be set to be affected, and the user cannot pick and choose which to include in the detour.
- The new detour stop location and temporary trace will be visible on your myStop applications (website and phone apps). Instead of a Skipped status, the stop will display the current status for the stop being serviced, e.g. on time, late, etc.
- These changes are relevant only for the duration of the detour. After the detour expires, the system reverts to its regular schedule.
Detour Reporting Metrics: Your system reports on your expired detours, meaning you can use the information on the Detour report as a reference to enter any system adjustments in DataPoint, which is located in 'Operations' in your web-based Avail product suites.
Where is the Detour report? ETMS>Operations> Business Intelligence> Operations> Detours:
Where is the Adjustments Calendar? ETMS> Operations product suite> DataPoint card> System Adjustments Calendar: