Schedule Data Import

The process of publishing a schedule may seem daunting, but each step is critical in order to achieve success. Here is a high-level overview of the process to give you an idea of the scope of publishing a schedule. Each item of this overview list links to the full details of the Process section.

  1. Coordinate with Avail Support
  2. Prepare to import the Schedule Files
  3. Upload Schedule Files
  4. ​Import
  5. Resolve Import Errors
  6. Double-check Scheduled Service
  7. Confirm Scheduled Miles and Hours
  8. Validate the Schedule
  9. Build the Schedule Files
  10. Deploy Schedule Files
TIP: It’s also possible to start the schedule import process from the myAvail Dispatch Client, please refer to Build and Deploy for more details.


The Data Import process is used as a first step in a schedule deployment.

  1. Coordinate with Avail Support

    • Submit a low-priority support case in the customer portal 2 weeks in advance of your schedule data import with the date of the upcoming schedule data import.
    • The case will be updated and the status will be changed to Pending Customer Review upon arrival. The case will be for reference purposes only.
  2. Prepare to import the Schedule Files

    • Collect the Schedule files from your scheduling provider​
    • Navigate to ETMS/Planning & Scheduling Suite/Build & Deploy/Data Import Card

      The import screen allows you to import your schedule files.

      When the import is completed, you can review the files in the View Files button to ensure all files are present. When all files have been verified, you then select the Import button.
      NOTE: The 1 schedule file displayed at the top center of the image above is a reminder of where your schedule files are imported. Clicking the View Files button will indicate that it's a placeholder.
  3. Upload Schedule Files

    • Select the Browse button on the import screen to upload schedule files.​ ​
      • Locate the folder of your schedule files.
      • Select all schedule files:
        • Hold Ctrl and click each file, or 
        • Highlight all files by clicking and dragging your cursor, or 
        • Highlight the first file, then press and hold the Shift key while clicking on the last file, or
        • Press the Ctrl + A keys
      • Click Open once you are finished selecting the schedule files.​
      • This will import the files into the Import Screen. Review the imported files by selecting the View Files button.
    • If all files are present, select the Import button on the Import Screen.
  4. ​Import

    • Once the files are imported, the left side of the screen (see snip below) will run through each of the validation checks to ensure the schedule data files comply with the Avail import process.
    • It is important to pay attention to the colors as the system moves from one check to the next​
      • Green indicates success​
      • Orange indicates warnings​
      • Red indicates a critical failure​
  5. Resolve Import Errors

    • If errors are noted, they must be corrected in the scheduling package​, then re-import the corrections
    • If a step is flagged in red during the import process, a re-import of corrected schedule data​ is required
    • After all errors have been resolved in the scheduling package, and you have re-imported the data with no issues, you may proceed to merge the schedule data files
  6. Double-check Scheduled Service

    • After the schedule data has been imported and merged into the working schedule, the service level definitions can be reviewed in DataPoint.
    • Using these service level definitions, you can see which service is scheduled for which days. If different levels are being used, you should be able to see the service levels change on the calendar at that date.
    • ​Log into ETMS > Operations Suite > DataPoint​ Card
    • Click Setup
    • Click Work on Future Setup
    • Click Update next to Service Level Definitions​
    • Mouse over calendar dates to highlight what they are set to after the import/merge. You should be able to confirm that your service levels are correctly set up.​

      IMPORTANT: Be sure to add all service levels used for the current schedule. If service levels are not included on the DataPoint calendar, myAvail will not recognize the runs, and vehicle operators will not be able to logon to those runs via the MDT.
  7. Confirm Scheduled Miles and Hours

    • During each schedule data import, you should confirm the scheduled miles and hours to ensure that they are in line with what service you expect to perform. To confirm the scheduled miles and hours:
      • Navigate to ETMS > Operations Suite > DataPoint​ Card
      • Click Setup
      • Click Work on Future Setup
      • Click View next to Block Scheduling​
      • Click Display Block Schedule History
      • Click NTD next to the Future Schedule​
      • Review each service level and route to ensure the correct routes are scheduled. Also, double-check the scheduled miles and hours for each route to ensure they are in line with what you’d expect.​
        TIP: If you clicked the working schedule, you’ll need to click the Recalculate Values button to update the routes with their new miles and hours.

        NOTE: For a new route that is being added to your schedule, outside of routes that are already built/present, the new route will not be displayed on this screen until it's published.
        If you are adding a new route, you will need to check this screen before and after the schedule publish to ensure current routes are accurate and that the newly added route is also accurate
      • If the schedule has a new Route, some steps need to occur before you proceed to the Validation/Build/Deploy steps. Please see Adding a New Route article for details. 
  8. Validate the Schedule

    • Navigate to the myAvail Dispatch > Build and Deploy Tab.
    • Select Validate tab
    • Ensure Future Schedule radio button is selected
    • Confirm that the schedule name is correct in the Name field
    • Confirm the start date is accurate in the Start Date field
    • Select Validate Schedule to begin the trigger box and route trace process review
    • If issues are found, please see Resolving Schedule Validation Issues.
    • For information on correcting Trigger Boxes go to the Trigger Boxes article.
    • For information on correcting Route Traces go to the Route Traces article.
    • For information on Announcements go to the Adding Announcements to Stops article.
  9. Build the Schedule Files

    • Select Build tab
    • Confirm Future Schedule radio button is selected
    • Confirm the files to build
      • Schedule Data - These are the files that the MDTs display when an operator logs in
      • General Transit Files - This function will create Google Transit files that can be shared with Google Maps or other third parties for Trip Planning functionality
    • Select the Build Output Files to begin building
    • For more information on the GTFS Files go to the GTFS Files and Feed article.
  10. Deploy Schedule Files

    • Select the Deploy tab
    • Select Deployment Type and Details
      • Schedule Data - is used for deploying block files and route traces
      • Other Files - is used for deploying annunciator files, pre-trip files, Avail fare screens, or route traces without new schedule files
    • Select Start Date and Regular/Correction Publish
      • Confirm Future Schedule radio button is selected
      • Confirm the Start Date
      • Is this a Correction? If you are only changing trigger boxes or headings, then select the Correction box
      • All other schedule changes such as: adding stops, removing stops, adding routes, removing routes, changing blocks, changing runs, adding/removing runs/blocks, adding/removing trips are not considered a Correction. These changes are considered a major publish.
    • File Selection for Deployment
      • Checkmark the files that you would like to deploy
      • The number in parentheses indicates the number of files to be deployed. If you see parenthesis, beside a box, you must check it
      • In this example schedule data and route trace files are being deployed to the fleet
      • Schedule Data: 268 files
      • Route Traces: 33
        • A number in the parentheses by Route Traces indicates that there are trace updates to be deployed.
        • You must check the box when you see this to include the trace updates with the publish
    • Select Vehicles button to Select Vehicles
      • To select the vehicles that you would like to send the files to via the WLAN
        • Click Vehicles
        • Click Select All under the Fixed Route fleet group to include all vehicles
    • Click Deploy button to Confirm Deployment
    • Deployment History - The Deployment type and date are displayed. Click on the date to view more information: file types deployed and Vehicles that downloaded the files
    • If you need to Cancel a deployment
      • Click on the date for the files you wish to cancel
      • Click the Cancel Deployment button
      • This will stop the vehicles from receiving the download and stop the future schedule from going active
        NOTE: Files should be set to deploy AT LEAST 5 days prior to the start date to allow time for the buses to be cycled through the WLAN access point to enable the download to occur.
        NOTE: Verify all GFI data has been imported, all exceptions have been processed, system adjustments are up to date and a review of your trip samples have all been completed prior to the start date of the new schedule!
      • For more information on the detailed status of vehicle deployments go to the Vehicle Files Overview article.
      • For more information on the Geographic Tools - Replay go to the Replay article. 
TIP: Please call the Avail Support Team (814-234-3394, Option 1) if you experience any issues related to your schedule data import. We'll be glad to help you through the process.

Schedule Data Import Video Demo

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