MDT Standard Pre-Trip Tests

The standard pre-trip inspections enable you to perform inspections after logging on to the MDT. The standard inspections include:

APC Counts

Operators will perform a standard pre-trip test to verify that the Automatic Passenger Count (APC) sensors are operating correctly. The APC testing screen will display at operator logon to the MDT (mobile data terminal). If not required by your agency's policy, press the Skip button to move to the next pre-trip test.

The vehicle APC reporting system allows the agency to review ridership data by Block, Run, Route, Trip and even at the Stops level. This greatly helps transit agencies to properly align their entire system/schedule data based on passenger use and needs. Just where are those passenger counts occurring? APC reporting is also required for National Transit Database (NTD) reports and other requirements. Consequently, accurate passenger counts are critical.

The APC system records passenger counts when the MDT is logged into revenue service (a run or block), and a passenger door is open (with air on). The myAvail system tracks all boards and alights for each trip. This information is used to calculate the number of passengers that ride through from one trip to the next (boards).

TIP: When the vehicle doors are opened and the air is on, the APC sensors are activated and will automatically count boards ( hopping on the bus) and alights( hopping off the bus).
WARNING: Vehicle operators should not use the OOS or Manual Modes on the MDT.  These buttons are reserved for maintenance needs only. Additionally, the Driver On/ Driver off buttons do not disable the APC sensors.

To perform the APC inspection:

  1. Ensure that the air is on and the doors are open during testing. Why: these actions ensure the sensor is active/on.
  2. Press the mceclip1.png button on the MDT to clear any old APC values.
  3. Open all doors.
  4. Alight & board through the front door.
  5. Alight & board through each of the other doors.
  6. Press the mceclip2.png button on the MDT.
  7. Verify the number of boards and alights are correct in the Board Count and Alight Count fields.
  8. Press the mceclip1.png button. Otherwise, the count value will be counted on deadhead/ non-revenue service.
  9. Press the mceclip3.png or mceclip4.png button depending on whether the automatic passenger count is accurate. If not required by property policy, press the mceclip5.png button to move to the next screen.


This pre-trip test ensures that announcements can be heard through the vehicle's speakers, both inside and outside of the vehicle. This test is part of ADA compliance, and ensures that ridership is well-prepared for upcoming stops they may need/use.

If not required by property policy, press the mceclip5.png button to move to the next test.

To perform the Announcement inspection:

  1. Press the mceclip6.png button to confirm the announcement is heard inside the vehicle.
    • Wait until the interior announcement plays aloud in full.
  2. Press the mceclip7.png button to confirm the announcement plays from the exterior speaker.
    HINT: The external announcement will not play until the internal announcement completes.
  3. Press the Pass button if both internal and external speakers are working.
  4. Press the Fail button if there was a problem.
    • If the test is not required by property policy, press the Skip button to move to the next screen.
TIP: The announcement ID #11 is the default announcement that plays during this test (“Stop Requested”). However, your agency may have configured a different announcement.

Wheelchair Lift

The wheelchair ramp cycling test is required for ADA compliance. The test screen on the MDT presents at the time the test should be performed. This allows the vehicle operator to perform the test, and record the results electronically for reporting needs. This screen will automatically display after MDT logon and is a part of the standard checks an operator performs.

If a wheelchair lift fails at a stop where a disabled rider plans to board, it creates a serious problem. Therefore, policies typically require operators to perform this test at the start of the day and often at relief points.  If the test is not required by property policy for certain times of day, press the Skip button to move to the next test.

WARNING: Do not press the "pass" button unless you complete the test. It will be reported as passed but NOT performed.

To properly record this test, the wheelchair lift must be cycled while the system displays the Wheelchair Lift pre-trip test screen as shown in the image below.  First, ensure that there is enough space around the vehicle to deploy the lift. If there is insufficient space, leave the wheelchair test screen up, and move the vehicle to a more favorable location. 

When the operator deploys the ramp when this screen displays, the vehicle icon in the middle of the screen (shown below) should represent a deployed wheelchair lift with a curved, red arrow. The red arrow indicates that the system captured the ramp cycling data during the test, for reporting purposes.

IMPORTANT: The system generates an event for maintenance/dispatch if the wheelchair lift is failed. An alert is also generated for dispatch if the test is passed but not performed.


To perform the wheelchair lift inspection:

  1. Cycle the wheelchair ramp when the screen shown above displays on the MDT. The curved, red arrow indicates that data was captured. This confirms the test was performed.
  2. Press the mceclip3.png button if the wheelchair lift functions properly and the vehicle icon displays the curved, red icon. Press the mceclip4.png button if there is any failure. If the test is not required by property policy, press the mceclip0.png button to move to the next screen.
IMPORTANT: Do not press "Pass" without completing the test, as it will be reported that the test was passed but not performed.
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