Use this tab to define announcements that are made at periodic intervals on all vehicles that have annunciators. Like the Web and Sign Messages tab, the In-Vehicle Announcements tab also displays a list of the Active messages. It indicates the Announcement name, date range, time range, and frequency for each active announcement as shown below.
Defining a New In-Vehicle Announcement
To create a new periodic in-vehicle announcement, click the add message icon in the column heading row of the Active message list. This displays the following window.
The following describes all the In-Vehicle announcement parameters that you can define.
Use this field to select the name of the Announcement you want to make.
To define the frequency of the announcement, specify either the number of minutes between announcements or an hourly announcement.
- To specify the number of minutes between announcements, choose the “Every xx Minutes” radio button and enter the number of minutes.
- To specify an hourly announcement, choose the Hourly radio button. Then, use the drop-down list to select when the announcement occurs in the hour. In the drop-down list, 0 means the announcement is made on the hour, 15 means quarter after the hour, etc.
Choose the date range for the announcement to be active. You can type in the fields or select the calendar icon. The date range defaults to the current day.
Choose the time range for the announcement to be active. You can type in the fields or select the clock icon to choose a time. The time range defaults to all day. If you change the range to something other than all day and want to go back to all day, click “Set all day.”