Ad-Hoc Announcements

Use the Ad-Hoc Announcements tab to create announcements that myAvail sends immediately to vehicles you select. Equipment in the vehicles can present these messages to riders in the following ways:

  • Play the text message as speech over the PA system.
  • Display the message on internal signs.

Both types of messages can be in English and/or Spanish.

The Ad-Hoc Announcements tab displays a list of ad hoc messages that have already been sent. The list indicates the destinations, message, and when the message was sent. Items in  the list cannot be edited because these messages have already been sent. However, you can copy a message and use it as the starting point for a new message. To copy a previous message, click the copy icon .

NOTE: The ability to send ad hoc announcements requires the Ad-hoc Messages permission on the Position Settings tab.

Defining a New Ad-Hoc Announcement

To create a new ad hoc announcement, click the add message icon  in the column heading row of the message list. This displays the following window.

The following describes all of the ad hoc announcement parameters that you can define.


Click the Vehicles button to select the vehicles to which you want to send the announcement.


Click the Operators button to select the operators to which you want to send the     announcement.


Click the Runs button to select the runs to which you want to send the announcement.


Click the Routes button to select the routes to which you want to send the announcement.

HINT: Selections that you make in Vehicles, Operators, Runs, and Routes are cumulative. The messages are sent to all applicable vehicles across these fields. However, if any vehicles are duplicated across these fields, that vehicle receives  the message only once. For example, if you select three routes and three vehicles, the announcement is sent to all vehicles on those routes plus the three specifically identified vehicles. However, if one of the individual vehicles is running one of the routes you select, the message is not duplicated for that vehicle.


Type the message that you want the vehicle’s annunciator to say over the PA system.

myAvail has an optional configuration to support English and Spanish. If myAvail displays separate tabs for English and Spanish, you can type the message in one or both languages.

After typing in a message, click Preview to hear the announcement as it will be played in the vehicle. You can preview both English and Spanish messages.


Type the message that you want to display on the vehicle’s internal sign.

myAvail has an optional configuration to support English and Spanish. If myAvail displays separate tabs for English and Spanish, you can type the message in one or both languages.

HINT: Use the BIB (Bus In a Box training unit), MTS (Maintenance Training Station), or any vehicle in the yard to test how your message looks and sounds in a vehicle. To test your message, enter the message, select only your test location for the destination, and save the message. This process sends the message to your test location where you can evaluate it. If it is necessary, alter the message and repeat the process. When the message is acceptable, use the copy message function and assigned it to all applicable vehicles, routes, and runs.


To use special Spanish characters in the message, use the Extended ASCII chart below. To insert an extended ASCII character, press the ALT key while you type the character code. You must use the numeric keypad to enter the code.


After you have defined your message, click the Save icon in the upper-right to save the message. Or click the Cancel icon if you do not want to the save the message.

NOTE: Ad hoc announcements are sent to the vehicles immediately after you save the message. Only vehicles that are active when you click Save receive the announcement.



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