myAvail 9.1 Release Notes

We've completed the development and testing of our latest product release:

  • myAvail Enterprise Transit Management Solution (ETMS) 9.1.0

This build addresses issues found in previous builds and includes new and merged functionality. The enhancements and fixes are described in the tables at the bottom.


MyAvail Dispatch Migration

Beginning with release 9.1.0, the dispatch functionality is available within the ETMS framework. Although the user interface is virtually identical*, we have completed an initial overhaul on the backend to get off the desktop client solution.
*In 9.1.0, the default column arrangement of the Route Status Tab cannot be changed. Future releases may address this known limitation.

Fare Import now available for Modeshift

Our Fare Import API - originally only used by GFI and Avail Fare screens - is now available for agencies utilizing Modeshift. See Fare Import Overview for more information.

Business Intelligence (BI) Updates

Because of its success as a self-service report report, we've converted the Driver Response to Dispatch Message to a canned BI report. You can find it in Business Intelligence > Operations > Events.

Additionally, we're expanding the NTD reports available in Compliance with the goal of eventually sunsetting the legacy NTD reports in DataPoint.

Feature Enhancements and Adjustments

ID #


30687 CA-032136: BI - Data Correction Required (MCTA)
37591 Correct Missed Service Adjustment Calculations
37605 Driver Response Report
37606 Compliance NTD Validation

Resolved Issues

ID #


32128 CA-029882 Report Headings not Correct
35503 CA-035700: BI - Revenue Pullout Report & Schedule Adherence Report (LT)
35830 CA-035989 Edit Error occurring for Vehicle Incidents
36946 AVTA Vehicle Number in BI Report
37755 SMS Texting skips late stops
37792 Nightly and Manual ETL Issues from TA to DW resulting in missing data
37838 Do not allow Invalid detours to be created in MyAvail
38062 TransTrack Incident view does not account for times in UTC
38189 Automatically generated Incidents can't be edited, can cause all Incidents to be not viewable (9.1.0)
38214 Signing up for email/sms alerts without email/phone set can break ETMS


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