Avail has completed development and testing of new myAvail build: ETMS 8.6.1 These builds address issues found in previous builds and include new and merged functionality. The issues resolved and feature enhancements and adjustments are described in the tables below.
Feature Enhancements and Adjustments
ID # |
Description |
Incidents |
33457 | Incident Template Additions |
34396 | Req 3 - Incident Report Email Notification Updates |
35240 | Incident Email Templates Updates |
Other | |
22884 | IVU_DemandResponse Module remote deployment support in PDC and Vehicle Files Tab |
34529 | Dashboard and KPI Performance Enhancements |
35824 | New Requirement for WA State DRS Reporting - CA-035967 |
36702 | CA-036515: ACCUPOS Import Slow Post-Conversion |
Resolved Issues
ID # |
Description |
4886 | Can't draw a detour polygon if save the detour before drawing the polygon |
33371 | CA-029599: Detour - Area Cannot be defined after save (RVT) |
34579 | CA-035002: BI - Ride Check Sheet Report Not Populating Block 7 (LT) |
35163 | Fare Import Information did not appear on the Fare Import Report |
36716 | Missing Dependency Between WO/FI Modules |
36727 | Exception Test for Operator is taking > 3 minutes, resulting in a timeout error |
37815 | CA-037703 High Core CPU Usage from IOControls |
37888 | Wayfinder resource center doesn't load when clicking on the Wayfinder icon |