Requesting a New RMA in the AvailTec Portal

Request a New RMA

There are two locations where you can start a new support case:

  1. Portal home page:
    • Click the Request RMA button
  2. RMA page:
    • Select RMA from the Support drop-down menu
    • Then click the  button

Both will take you to the Request RMA page where you will enter your RMA information - detailed below - to be submitted to Avail Support. Click the below image to expand.

RMA Form Fields

Begin by reading the self-triage statement. Use the Self-Triage Complete field to indicate that you have read the self-triage statement and have completed your own testing before requesting an RMA.

In the Return Reason Summary field, provide a detailed return reason and the steps you have taken to triage the hardware. 

The form will be pre-filled with your full name and agency, based on your login credentials.

Identify the part in the Hardware Selection drop-down. Contact if you cannot find your hardware in the list. 

In the next field, enter the serial number.

NOTE You can only submit one piece of hardware per RMA form.

In the next field, provide the Bus Number associated with the hardware.

If your vehicle is out of service, select Yes in the Vehicle Out of Service drop-down. 

Click the button to send the RMA to Avail Support. You will receive an email notification that includes the RMA number. Print this email and add it to your RMA shipment.

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