Automatic Creation of Work Orders from Incidents


Previously work orders could be created from the myAvail Dispatch client, but this option was eliminated. Now work orders can be created from the Compliance/Vehicle Incidents module.

User can configure incident types that automatically create a work order.

When an incident of the configured incident type is created, a work order is automatically created and can be accessed from the Legacy ERP Work Order form. 

This feature is for Consolidated CAD and ERP customers only. It does not support on-premise ERP.

​Process Steps

1. Set a certain Incident Type to create a work order by clicking on the Gear icon in the top right corner of the Vehicle Incidents page. 

For example, Vehicle Problem type.

If you do not have this permission, you will still be able to see what types are checked to create work orders, but the checkboxes and buttons will be greyed out.

2. Create a new Incident of that Incident Type. In the Vehicle Info tab, pick a vehicle type (Vehicle Problem). Fill out other vehicle incident tabs and click Save.

3. Work order creates automatically after saving that Incident. 

At the bottom of the screen, the pop-up message in green will appear confirming that the incident and the work order were created successfully.

4. Open the Work Order form by going to ETMS: Transit Assets/Maintenance Management/Work Orders/Work Order Entry Form. 

NOTE: To launch legacy forms, log in through your VDI client.

On the Work Order form, you will see the newly created work order. The Description field will say 'Auto created Work Order from Incident Id: X.


ETMS: Human Resources/Positions/Edit Position/Functions Tab

Functions Tab: Compliance/Incidents/Edit Incident Types checkbox

The user's position should have an Edit Incident Types checkbox checked to be able to control what incident type would trigger creating a work order.

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