Selected Vehicle

The currently selected vehicle is shown in the bottom-left of the screen. You can select a vehicle by selecting a row in the following Operations Tab windows:

  • Status
  • Communications
  • Events
  • Maintenance
  • Timeline
  • Route Status
  • Platform Pullout
  • Pullout (See note below)

Alternatively, select a vehicle in the Find Vehicle drop-down menu.
When you select a different vehicle, the map centers on that vehicle automatically. The information displayed in the Vehicle Event History, Text History, Sent Msgs, and Block Info tabs always pertain to the currently selected vehicle.

Additionally, you can select multiple vehicles using the map window. For information about this map function, see Selecting Vehicles.

For the Select Vehicle functionality in the Pullout window to work as this document describes, a vehicle must be assigned to the pullout record that you select, and it must be logged on. If both conditions are not true, myAvail does one of the following:

  • If no vehicle is assigned when you click on a row, myAvail does not change the selected vehicle and it, therefore, does not change the data it displays in the tabs.
  • If a vehicle ID is assigned to the pullout but that vehicle is not logged in, myAvail selects the vehicle with that ID but it clears the grids.
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