Events History Report

Navigation: ETMS > Operations > Business Intelligence Card > Operations > Events > Events History

Event History works in parallel with the System Event Dashboard and the Operations Queue dashboard. This report provides more detailed data about events for the time period specified in the filter pane.

Click the  icon to investigate an event by replaying vehicle data in a map. This icon opens myAvail’s Geographic Tools in a new window and loads the relevant vehicle data for replay. The replay data starts 15 minutes before the event and ends 15 minutes after the event. Events that identify a vehicle will display this icon. This icon appears only if your version of myAvail supports this feature.

The report displays results in tabular form and can include the following information: dispatcher take/log, its queue, vehicle, operator, dispatcher, time to take and time to log, incident type, and the full incident detail if applicable.

Asterisks identify incidents with revenue adjustments. The corresponding incident report will display values under the service information section for either Missed Miles/Hours/Trips or Additional Miles/Hours/Trips.

The full report can be quite long. The best approach is to use the filter pane to filter events by the following: Incident Type, Queue, Event Type, Vehicle, Operator, Dispatcher, Service Level, and so on.

Then, click a heading to sort by that heading. For example, clicking the Vehicle heading orders the rows by vehicle number.

Click the plus sign for an event to expand it and display additional information. For example, the expanded area below displays information about the dispatcher who took and logged the event.

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