Logon/Logoff Report

Navigation: ETMS > Operations > Business Intelligence Card > Operations > Logon/Logoff Dashboard

This report displays data from the previous day. Use the filter to adjust the range. For example, if you want to review information for a larger period of time, open the filter and adjust the dates. The example below illustrates filtering for the month of January:

Use the Logon/Logoff Dashboard report to identify issues related to a vehicle operator's workflow; these may include pretrip failures, manual passes ( manual pass indicates the vehicle operator did not perform the test but passed it as working), annunciator failures, APC failures, wheelchair ramp failures, camera system failures, and DVIR results, if configured for your agency. Driver Vehicle Inspection Reporting includes: pass/ fail inspection checks and body damage screens with failure reason indicators.

This report also displays the total number of operator MDT logons, runs where the operator didn't log off the system, and the total number of vehicles.

Important: Odometer values for the run are only calculated if the vehicle operator logs off of the MDT when they complete their piece of work. If an operator does not log off, this field will not be populated and will display in red.  

Why use this report? This report has several great uses. It is a good coaching tool, as it informs your agency trainer about any vehicle operators who require additional support for how to perform pretrip correctly and to emphasize the importance of logoff at the end on one's shift. This information is also useful for your maintenance team- to identify any trending issues across fleet vehicles.

TIP: Review your Maintenance reports for more information regarding issues trending across fleet vehicles. Navigation: ETMS> BI> Maintenance> Maintenance Issues, New Pretrip Issues

The number counts represent the following occurrences:

  • Diagnostic Bypassed: Operator pressed 'Skip' when presented with the test screen, instead of performing the test. This is an agency policy decision. If your agency allows operators to skip pretrip tests, they may use this button. 
  • Diagnostic Failures: Automated system test detected failures during log on.
  • Manually Passed: Operator pressed 'Pass' on the MDT to pass the test without performing it.
  • Inspection Failures: Operator reported failures on the pre-trip inspection screens.

In the filter pane, you can specify a value for New Body Check Threshold. This filter controls how the report counts multiple body check failures for one vehicle. If a vehicle has multiple failures, the report counts it as one failure over the threshold number of days. For example, the  default value is 15 days, which counts a repeated failure for one vehicle as a “new” failure only once over the past 15 days. Lower values display more new failures.

Click on a blue text hyperlink to drill into the information. For example, click on the blue number for 'No Logoff' to drill into the information. Example below: 

Now you can review related details about 'No Log offs'. The red fields below indicate the operator didn't log off the MDT, thus the system is unable to report the odometer values for the piece of work performed:

The report displays more detailed information about the issue that you clicked including the run, block,  vehicle, and other information for specific events. For example, if you click No Logoff in Operations, Business Intelligence opens the Historical Report in a new window with the Show No Logoffs filter active. This dashboard also includes the following two buttons at the top-right that allow you to obtain more detailed information about the issues, Historical Report and Same Day Report.

Historical Logon/Logoff

The Logon/Logoff Diagnostics table, shown below, displays information about operator logons/logoffs: Operator name, ID, Log On/Log Off times, Total Time logged in, Run, Block, and Vehicle number along with the pre-trip statuses and other information. Access this report by clicking:

  • The Historical Report button in the Logon/Logoff Dashboard. In this case, the table displays all logons/logoffs for the relevant date range
  • An item in the Logon/Logoff Dashboard. In this case, myAvail filters the table to include only the relevant items. For example, if you click Manually Passed - Wheelchair, the table displays only logons/logoffs that have a Pass Manually value in the Wheelchair Status column.

Click a column heading to sort the table by that column. Multiple clicks toggle between ascending and descending sort orders. For example, click the Log On heading to sort the table by log on times.

For this table, use the filter pane to apply filters across the entire dashboard. You can use the following specialized filters:

  • Show no logoffs only: Check to display only the records where operators did not log off.
  • Show new body checks only: Check to display only the new body check failures. This option reduces the count of failures by not counting the same body check failure multiple times over subsequent days. For example, a single dent on vehicle might be reported on multiple days before it is fixed. New body checks are defined by the New body check threshold.
  • New body check threshold is: This filter controls how the report counts multiple body check failures for one vehicle. If a vehicle has multiple failures, the report counts it as one failure over the threshold number of For example, the default value is 15 days, which counts a repeated failure for one vehicle as a “new” failure only once over the 15 days. Lower values display more new failures.
  • Failures: Select at least one failure type if you want to filter the table by failure type. If this field is left blank, the table displays all failure types.
  • Bypassed: Select at least one type of test bypass during pre-trip inspections (e.g., wheelchair, APC, Annunciator) if you want to filter the table by test bypasses. Bypasses occur when operators choose to skip tests during the pre-trip inspection. If this field is left blank, the table displays all test bypasses.
  • Manually passed: Select at least one type of manually passed test during pre-trip inspections (e.g., wheelchair, APC, Annunciator) if you want to filter the table by manual passes. Manual passes occur when operators choose to pass tests during the pre-trip If this field is left blank, the table displays all manually passed tests.

Logon/Logoff Same Day Report

The Logon/Logoff Same Day Report table, shown below, displays information about the operator logons/logoffs: Operator name, ID, Log On/Log Off times, Total Time logged in, Run, Block, and vehicle number along with the pre-trip statuses that occurred during the current day of service, starting at the property’s service day start time.

Both the historical and same day tables can be quite long. The best approach is to use the filter pane to filter events by the following: Failures, Bypassed Incident, Manually Passed, Driver, Run, Block, and Vehicle. Then, click a heading to sort by that heading. For example, clicking the Vehicle heading orders the rows by vehicle number.

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