Similar to the Operations Map and Status tab, where we can monitor all vehicles in service individually, after selecting a vehicle record, the Route Status and Route Map work together to display where sets of vehicles servicing the same route are in real-time on the Route Map. The Route Status and Route Map have the greatest impact on operations monitoring when routes have at least 2 vehicles servicing them.
Dispatch can use the Route Status tab to monitor sets of vehicles on a specific route on the Route Map to ensure they are well-spaced, not bunched, to see how full vehicles are, and even drill down to the vehicle level to allow focus on a vehicle in the set servicing the route.
To optimize using these tools, it is important to select the route for focus from the Route Status tab to view the vehicles on that route on the Route Map:
Column Descriptions
Route - Displays the route name for sets of vehicles servicing the route.
Status - A combined status displayed for OTP for the set of vehicles on the route. The 'Monitor' indicates an issue ( early, late vehicles).' Good' indicates all vehicles on the route have departed their last timepoint on time.
Vehicles - Grey: the number of vehicles on the route, Red: early departure status of a number of vehicles on the route, Yellow: late departure status of a number of vehicles on the route.
% Total - The percentage of seats filled on the vehicle.
Max - The percentage of seats available.
Headway Columns - used to determine bus bunching/ how far apart or close vehicles are when servicing the route.
How can I drill down into an individual vehicle record from the Route Status Tab? Begin by selecting the plus sign located to the left of the route to view the vehicle statuses for that route. After selecting a route, the plus sign toggles to a minus sign: