Avail Fare Screen Update Guide

Use this article to learn how to set up fare buttons for use by vehicle operators via the MDT. These fare screens allow operators to press fare buttons to document each rider type that boards their vehicle (adult, child, student, senior, monthly pass, transfer, etc.). Setting up the fare structure must be completed in your DataPoint application in the Operations Product Suite, located in your web-based Avail tools. The final step will be setting up the deployment of these files to your fleet vehicles on the Build & Deploy tab. Follow the directions below to use this feature.

Navigate to the Operations product suite in ETMS and open your DataPoint card:

  1. Go to Setup (located in the System Admin menu on the left of the screen)
  2. Select Work on Future Setup

3. Select Fareset Information and click on update:

4. Then select Fare Mappings:

5. On the next screen, select Fare Type (adult, child, transfer, senior, student, pass, etc.) from the dropdown menu.

6. Then select the MDT position for the fare button to display for operator use from the dropdown.

TIP: When you use the dropdown menu for Select Farebox Input, you'll see an example MDT display below as a guide to assist in determining the MDT position for the fare button:

Best Practice: Designate your frequent flyer fare type buttons on the first page to promote ease of use for your operators. Place the less-used fare buttons last. 

This update will require a deployment to your fleet vehicles:

 7. Navigate to the Build & Deploy tab

 8. First, click Validate Schedule. Best Practice: address any flagged items (errors, if noted)

9. Then use the Build tab and select Build Output Files:

10. Then use the Deploy tab and select Other Files:

11. Ensure the default is set to Future Schedule.

12. Use the calendar to enter the Effective Date. This is when the files will be used on vehicles.

13. Select Avail Fare Screens from the Ready for Deployment option.

14. Press the Vehicles button and Select All. The button lights up to indicate vehicle selection is required.

TIP: Why select all vehicles? This step ensures all vehicles receive the download, including your training BiB (Bus in a Box - used for training) or MTS (Maintenance Testing Station).

15. Select Deploy

16. This deployment will display as scheduled, by its date, on the right side of the screen as a confirmation

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