Optional Layover

The Optional layover feature is not common. It’s a special type of layover where the operator must drive the vehicle away from a trip change Stop earlier than the scheduled next trip departure time because they are not permitted to remain at the trip change Stop location for the entire time between their arrival time and the next trip departure time. In this scenario, the operator must drive the vehicle to an alternative layover location and wait. When the optional layover is complete, the driver returns to the trip change Stop, performs any passenger services, and then departs on time at the start of the next trip. Drivers should not depart early at the start; if they do, the trip will be marked early and negatively impact the on-time performance metric of the agency.

If configured for Optional Layover, the myAvail system operates seamlessly through the layover and trip change events:

  • Trip information is updated correctly for the MDT, headsign, and farebox.
  • Stop announcements play at the correct locations.
  • Passenger counting is collected and reported correctly.

When Optional Layover is enabled in the myAvail system, only trip changes with a large enough scheduled gap (layover or make-up time in the trip as scheduled) are eligible.

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