Adjusting the Internal Announcement Volume

Operators can adjust the internal volume of internal announcements within the range of defined minimum and maximum levels. operator volume adjustments do not persist after operator logoff or vehicle restart. Agencies can enable or disable this feature according to their policies regarding operator control of announcement volume levels.

Use the Volume Adjust button on the MDT to increase or decrease the volume for the vehicle's safety announcements. When you log off the vehicle, the volume will default back to its standard setting.

To adjust the internal volume:

  1. From the MDT Home or Menu screen, press the button in the top button bar.
  2. Press the button located at the top to display the Internal Volume screen:

    TIP: This setting is also available on the MDT screen for the Pre-trip Manual Test for Announcements. See MDT Standard Pre Trip Tests: Announcements for more information.
    Any time that you open this screen after logon, the minimum, maximum, and volume values will match the default values defined by fleetwide global or vehicle‑specific volume defaults. See Annunciator Default Volume Levels for more information.
  3. Press and hold the slider button while moving it left or right to set the volume level between the minimum and maximum values, or press the , , , or buttons.
  4. Press the button to retain your volume setting, which will remain only until you log off. To cancel any change, press the  button. Pressing either the Save or Cancel button will return you to the previous MDT screen.
  5. Play an internal announcement to test the volume level.

These changes do not persist after the operator logs off or the vehicle restarts. This setting is available from the Log On screen, but any change there will not persist after logging on.

NOTE: If the vehicle system is configured for the optional automatic gain control (AGC) feature, the ACG system will adjust the internal announcement volume to compensate for noisy interior conditions. There is no AGC for external announcements.
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