Allocation Management

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Allocations are used to split a single General Ledger account into many USOA Accounts or to combine many General Ledger Accounts into a single USOA Account.

Allocation Types

This table contains a list of the different allocation types. Each record is a master record and may have one or many allocation percentages grouped below it.

Allocation Type Description:  Common name for high level grouping of allocations. (Example: Allocation Type F-10 Passenger Fares Paid Type contains two allocation items - one for passenger paid fares and one for organization paid fares).


The table contains the individual allocation percentages for each NTD/GL Crosswalk record. In the examples below for allocation type F-10 Passenger Fares Paid Type, there are two entries.

One for Passenger Paid Fees at 92.556%

And one for Organization Paid Fees at 7.444%

Percentages are up to 5 decimal places so 33.333% would be entered as 0.33333.  100% would be entered as 1.00000.

Allocation Type:               Common name for high level grouping of allocations.

Allocation Item:               Unique number in the group of Allocation Types (1, 2, 3, etc.)

Allocation Description:   Common name of the allocation.

Allocation Percentage:   Percentage amount of the current allocation in decimal format, up to five places (0.33333, 0.12345, etc.).

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