Maintenance SOP 033: Supervision for Management


This procedure provides information for maintenance supervisors to support maintenance technicians in using the CAD/AVL system to improve maintenance response, and for supervisors to generate reports to identify and respond to maintenance trends. The procedure covers report generation and analysis, and supervisor’s role in supporting other Maintenance SOPs.  

Operational Impact and Metrics

Operational Impact: The Vehicle Health Monitoring module provides maintenance supervisors with real-time information on overall health of several vehicle systems. This allows maintenance to respond quickly and efficiently, increasing availability of vehicles, and reducing road calls. The VHM module also provides the ability to analyze historical maintenance data and trends to improve maintenance practices. 

Metrics: On-time performance, Spare Ratio / Vehicle availability  


ITS  Intelligent Transportation Systems 
CAD/AVL  Computer-Aided Dispatch and Automatic Vehicle Location 
Block  All the routes run by a vehicle 
MDT  Mobile Data Terminal 



Roles and Responsibilities 

Implementation of this SOP is primarily the responsibility of Vehicle Maintenance Supervisors (e.g. foreman, front-line supervisors). Higher-level managers should also be familiar with these procedures to support the supervisors. 


Daily Reporting Analysis (Reports generated from SP-032-01 Maintenance)  

  1. Use Business Intelligence to conduct trend analysis for maintenance events and issues 

Types of Reports:

  1. Maintenance Dash Report ( located in ETMS> Transit Assets product suite)
  2. Pre-trip failure issues by type, vehicle and operator 
  3. Maintenance issues (pre-trip failures, ITS, and VHM events-vehicle health monitoring) 
  4. Daily Report Analysis – End of Day 

Review ‘Maintenance’ Tab Within myAvail Operations:

  1. Manage items on this tab: VHM events, pretrip failures, ITS issues (create work orders, assign tasking, etc.)
  2. Log items after resolution has been identified
  3. When the ‘Maintenance’ tab is clear, this indicates no issues have been missed and action plans are in place for unresolved issues
  4. Ensure procedures are followed, reference related SOPs for information 
    • Pull out SOP - SP-030-01 Maintenance – Pull Out/Start of Shift 
    • Health SOP - SP-031-01 Maintenance – Vehicle Health Monitoring 
    • PM SOP - SP-032-01 Maintenance – CAD-AVL Preventive Maintenance 

Supporting Documents

Related SOPs 

  1. SP-001-01 Planner – Schedule Data Management and Implementation 
  2. SP-030-01 Maintenance – Pull Out/Start of Shift 
  3. SP-031-01 Maintenance – Vehicle Health Monitoring 
  4. SP-032-01 Maintenance – CAD-AVL Preventive Maintenance 
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