Vehicle Operator SOP 023: Reliefs


This procedure provides information for bus operators to use the MDT of the CAD/AVL system during service when a relief operator is assigned. This procedure assumes the schedule has been pushed to the on-board CAD/AVL system. The process covers monitoring relief operator status, existing operator log off, and relief operator log on. 

Operational Impact and Metrics 

Operational Impact: It is important to efficiently schedule and switch out operators/vehicles during a driver change, breakdown, emergency, etc.  Following these steps will ensure that data is captured correctly, and the best possible real time information is shared with riders  

Metrics: Incident reporting, On-time performance, breakdown reports  


ITS  Intelligent Transportation Systems 
CAD/AVL  Computer-Aided Dispatch and Automatic Vehicle Location 
MDT  Mobile Data Terminal 


As instructed by Dispatch 

Roles and Responsibilities 

Implementation of this SOP is primarily the responsibility of Vehicle Operators. Supervisory personnel should also be familiar with these procedures to support operators. Dispatcher responsibilities for providing relief operators are covered in SP-012-01


Operator Prepares for Relief:

  1. Ending Operator logs off 
  2. Ensure bus is in a safe and secure location 
  3. Press the ‘MENU’ button from the MDT home screen 
  4. Press the ‘Log Off’ button 
  5. Press the ‘Log Off’ button a second time, to confirm log off 
  6. Ensure the MDT is completely logged off 
  7. The MDT should return to the login screen if successfully logged off  

Relief Operator Workflow:

  1. Relief Operator logs on 
  2. Enter relief Operator ‘Driver ID’ and ‘Block/ Run Number’  
  3. Press ‘Enter’ or ‘Login’  
  4. Skip the following pre-trip tests: 
  5. DVIR screens (electronic driver vehicle inspection report on MDT, if configured)
  6. Announcement pre-trip test 
  7. APC pre-trip test 
  8. Wheelchair pre-trip test 
  9. Operator continues in revenue service by adhering to the departure time of the current timepoint 

Supporting Documents

Related SOPs 

  1. SP-001-01 Planner – Schedule Data Management and Implementation 
  2. SP-020-01 Operation – Pull-Out/Start of Shift 
  3. SP-021-01 Operation – Perform Revenue Service 
  4. SP-022-01 Operation – Pull-In/End of Service 
  5. SP-012-01 Dispatch – Route Monitoring & Operator Relief 
  6. SP-050-01 Road Supervision – Route Monitoring 
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