Planner SOP 002: Planning & Daily Schedule Analysis


The purpose of this SOP is to ensure that the Planning team is consistently collecting, validating, analyzing and pushing out changes to improve the on-street performance. If this procedure is not followed, it will lead to missing and inaccurate schedule data. It can also cause your agency’s overall on-time performance to decline.   

Operational Impact and Metrics  

Operational Impact: Schedule data is the backbone of the entire system. This process describes the steps that should be taken after a schedule is published or a service change has occurred to ensure all the schedule changes have the desired outcome. This process focuses on ensuring you are collecting 100% of the scheduled service data, comparing the scheduled times to the actual times, and ultimately using this data to improve schedules which will improve on-time performance and provide better service for your riders. 

Metrics: The goal after publishing a new schedule is to resolve all the missing segments, stops and trips in the myAvail system, and validate the data across all services levels. Missing data points can be identified by checking:  

  1. Block logins – should be 100% across all service levels to ensure you are collecting 100% of the schedule data. 
  2. On-time performance (overall) - a comparison of the overall system on-time performance prior to schedule change and after schedule changes were made.  
  3. On-time performance (route by route) - an analysis should also be done to compare the routes that have changed pre and post schedule publish. 


ITS  Intelligent Transportation Systems 
CAD/AVL  Computer-Aided Dispatch and Automatic Vehicle Location 
Block  All the routes run by a vehicle 


This process should be performed the day following a new schedule publish and continue until the on-time performance goal has been achieved. Outside of planned schedule publishes this process should also be performed on a monthly basis to ensure accurate schedule data and to continue to improve on-time performance. 

Roles and Responsibilities

Implementation of this procedure is the responsibility of transit agency staff that are involved with  importing, updating, and editing schedules.  


This procedure describes the high-level steps involved in analyzing the daily schedule.  

Data Collection  

  1. Run BI Schedule Health report “Missed Stops, Time Points, Trips” report  
  2. Analyze to ensure all data collected (100% of blocks) 

Data Validation 

  1. Run “OTP” report 
  2. Run “Running Times” report 
  3. Run “Dwell Times” report 
  4. Compare “actual” performance against “planned” performance - arrival time, departure time, dwell time, on-time-performance, and route adherence.  
  5. It is also helpful to review myStop outputs - real time information for ridership trip planning purposes 

Data Analysis 

  1. Identify variances between “actual” performance and “planned” performance 
  2. Determine the cause of performance variation 
  3. Define corrective action required  

Schedule Recommendations and Corrections  

  1. Identify schedule corrections required  
  2. Identify schedule improvement recommendations 
  3. Implement schedule corrections and improvement recommendations (see SP-001

Supporting Documents

Related SOPs 

  1. SP-001-01 Planning – Schedule Data Management and Implementation 
  2. SP-003-01 Planning – Farebox and APC Exceptions and Adjustments 
  3. SP-004-01 Planning – Announcement Creation 
  4. SP-005-01 Planning – Using the Replay Tool
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