This report displays a summary of scheduled versus actual NTD vehicle miles, hours, and trips by month for the date range that has been selected in the filter. The % Difference column allows you to identify the differences, or discrepancies, between what was scheduled and what was actually performed/ actual values.
Use this report to determine which, if any, scheduled trips on routes are or have been missed. Here's why: missing stops on the schedule will adversely affect your reporting metrics. Missed service can be due to several scenarios. For example, vehicle operators may deviate from their scheduled routes, meaning the vehicle will not enter/exit scheduled stop locations so those stops will not be reported on.
Vehicle operators must also log in to the mobile data terminal (MDT) as this action begins the capture of all service-related data metrics. Other influencers can be the date range selected. For example, if you've updated your live schedule and removed or added stops or moved route traces; this too can influence the data collection side from vehicles on the road.
The Miles and Hours report uses system data to calculate the values.
What is system data? System data includes the 1.) digitally scheduled miles and hours and 2.) performed service, which is the actual data collected from vehicles when in revenue service.
If your property does not have a very high data collection rate (i.e., many missing stop reports), this report will not accurately represent actual miles and hours. TIP: We recommend a review of the Schedule Health report to analyze where service has been missed. Schedule Health includes missed stops, missed time point segments, and missed trips for all scheduled routes. The Schedule Health report is located in the Planning reports section of BI.
Captured Route Segment Miles and Hours:
Click the plus sign for a month to expand it to review your scheduled versus actual statistics by route within that month. For example, the expanded table below displays detailed scheduled miles and hours versus the actual miles and hours (collected data from performed service) for all routes for the selected date range of January 6 - February 5, 2024.
Click a column heading to sort the table by that column. Multiple clicks will toggle between ascending and descending sort. For example, click the Trips - Missed heading to display routes with the greatest number of missed trips at the top of the table.
In addition to the regular filter items, the Miles and Hours report allows you to specify a value for the Missed mileage percentage filter. This value determines the percentage of miles that must be missed during a trip for it to qualify as a missed trip. For the example, the default value is 10%, which indicates that at least 10% of the miles for a trip must be missed for the system to consider it a missed trip. Specify lower percentages to count more trips as being missed.