The Help Center is the new home to all of Avail's documentation and training resources. The following guide helps you understand how to use the Help Center, including searching, browsing, and providing feedback.
You can search or browse to find content in the Help Center. Similar to myAvail, you may also use the breadcrumbs to go home or to a parent section or category. We also provide links to browse recently viewed articles, related articles, and promoted articles.
Top Bar
The top bar navigation is a consistent feature that appears on every page throughout Help Center. Here are the six main elements:
- Avail logo: Takes you to the Help Center home page.
- Portal Home link: Takes you to the Portal home page.
- Categories menu: Navigate to the category page of your choice, containing sections and articles.
- Sign In button: Opens the login popup. See Signing Up for the Help Center for more info.
- Search bar: Use keyword search to find content. See Searching for Content for more info.
- Breadcrumb navigation: Click to navigate home or to a parent section or category.
Side Navigation
Located on the left-hand side of the screen, the side navigation allows you to see the hierarchy of the Help Center content and where you are in it. Clicking the icon or an article name - indicated with the article icon - will take you to the corresponding location. Clicking on a category or section name will collapse or expand it to reveal or hide its contents. The items in bold match the elements of the breadcrumb navigation for the article you're currently viewing. |
Table of Contents
Articles with multiple headings will display a Table of Contents on the right-hand side of the screen. This helps you jump from one section to another within the article without having to scroll. The highlighted heading (Overview in this example) represents the article section your currently viewing. |
Scroll to Top Button
The Scroll to Top button lets you jump to the top of the page without scrolling. It will appear in the bottom left of your screen whenever your scroll below the top bar buttons.
Prev / Next Buttons
The Prev / Next buttons let you jump to the previous or next article in the section. It will not take you to articles outside of the current section. The first article in the section will not show the previous button nor will the last article in a section show the next button since no articles exist in the section before or after, respectively.
Content Structure
The knowledge base consists of categories, sections, and articles. Articles are grouped in sections, and sections are grouped in categories.
To get around the knowledge base, you can use search or browse categories and sections. Similar to myAvail, we also show breadcrumbs to go home or to a parent section or category.
Searching for Content
Keyword Search
Find multiple words: Use double quotes (") around each word to find content that contains all those words.
For example,
"article" "title" "section" "author"
retrieves content that contains all four words, in any order. Make sure you put spaces between the search words, otherwise the search handles the text as one string.You'll get hits if there is a stemmed version of a word (e.g.articles). You won't get hits where content contains only the words title and section, for example.Note: If you use single quotes (') around a word, the single quotes are ignored. If you search for'article' 'title' 'section' 'author'
, you'll see hits for all content that contains any of the words title or article or section, or author (exactly as if you had searched without the single quotes). -
Find a phrase: Use double quotes (") around a phrase to find content that contains all the words in that phrase.
For example,
"article title"
retrieves all content that contains the words article and title, in that order. You'll also get hits if there is a stemmed version of the word (e.g. articles). You won't get hits where content contains only the word title, for example.Note: If you use single quotes (') around a phrase, the single quotes are ignored. -
Exclude results containing certain words: Use the minus operator (-) in front of the search term to find every article or post that does not include that word or phrase.
For example,
reporting bugs -support
returns content containing the words reporting and bugs, but excludes those that contain the word support from the result set. -
Combine operands for advanced search: you can combine the operands above to find a very specific set of results.
For example,
"reporting bugs" -support
returns hits for content that contains both the words reporting and bugs but does not contain the word support.
Using Search Filters
You can use the search results filter panel to refine the content that appears in the search results pane. Filters appear as bolded headings that display the content groupings within that filter and the number of search results for each content group.
The Type filter groups your search results by the kind of content that the search result is. Articles are the default content type in Help Center. How-to guides, workflows, videos, and more, are all rendered as single-topic articles that are shorter and easier to digest. When you select this type from the filter panel, the By Category subfilter appears, allowing you to further refine your search. The Help Center categories are usually scoped by suites or product areas, such as Finance, Operations, or Vehicle Systems.
Following Content
You can choose to follow sections in the knowledge base. You cannot, however, follow entire categories. When you follow content, you are subscribing to it, so you will be notified by email when new articles are added. You will not be notified when updates are made to the body of an article. If a section you are following contains additional sections, you must also follow those individual subsections to receive notifications for them. You can stop following content at any time.
You cannot automatically follow all new articles across the help center. You must follow each section instead.
To follow a section
- Navigate to the section that you want to follow.
- Click Follow, then select notifications for only new articles or all new articles and comments. We do not have comments enabled in our Help Center, but either option will work.
You can stop following content at any time if you no longer want to receive notifications. For sections and topics, you can also modify your subscription if you decide you only want notifications for new articles and not all comments or vice versa.
To stop following a section
- In the section, click Following, then select Unfollow.
Other Features
Printer Icon
The print icon appears on article pages as a shortcut to your browser's print menu option. This will create a printout of the article content without the onscreen navigation elements, like the table of contents. You can use this feature to either print paper copies, or take advantage of the built-in functionality to save a web page as a PDF - Windows 10+ or macOS.
Related To
Have you found a topic spanning multiple myAvail suites or Help Center categories that you'd like to explore some more? Use the Related to feature at the bottom of enabled articles to load a queried list of similar content. See it in action for BI Reports.
We've carefully and painstakingly created a host of articles to help you utilize our solutions. There is a poll at the bottom of every article that lets you share your opinion. When you read an article, take a moment to tell us if you thought it was helpful. This helps us fine-tune our documentation to better serve you.
If you would like to share ideas for new articles or Help Center improvements, you can submit your feedback here.
Some content and images courtesy Zendesk