Adding a New Position

Positions are aggregates of myAvail functionality that align with roles at your agency. All Personnel must be assigned to a Position. To you wish to set up a new system user, refer to the Personnel article.

Adding a New Position

To add a new position, click the Add Position button.


ETMS displays a form for entering the position name and specifying functions that this position can access. To learn how to enter information into this form, read the next section about editing positions.

Functions Tab

You can define a new position or edit an existing position. To define a new position, click the Add Positions Button and the system displays a blank form. For existing positions, click the position in the list. This list displays positions alphabetically. Use the search box to avoid scrolling through a lengthy list.
After creating a new position or selecting an existing position, ETMS displays the form below.


This form has two tabs for entering information - Functions and Settings. However, most positions only use the Functions tab. When editing an existing position, the form displays the functions that the position can access.

In the list of functions, you can expand each function that has a > view subfunctions. To change the position’s functions, check or uncheck the functions, and then click Save.

While assigning functions to a position, it is crucial to understand the distinction between functions in the list that have a dash, a checkmark, or are unchecked.


A function that has a checkmark indicates that the position can access all the sub-functions. For example, the HR Supervisor position has a checkmark for the Human Resources function. When you expand that function, all the sub-functions are checked.


However, when a function has a dash, the position can access some but not all the sub-functions, as shown below with the Transit Assets functions.

Finally, unchecked functions indicate the position cannot access any of the sub-functions.

Carefully consider which functions and sub-functions each position requires. A position might not require the ability to access all sub-functions. In those cases, the best practice is to deselect the unnecessary functions and sub-functions.

For most positions, after specifying its functions, click Save and you are done. However, if the position can view and edit other users’ information, you must also use the Settings tab.

TIP: If a position needs to log on to a vehicle, you must assign the Operator functions to that position. For example, mechanics, supervisors, and managers might need to log on to vehicles.

Settings Tab

The Settings tab is active only for positions that have functionality checked under the System Administration section in the Functions tab. Users in these positions can view and edit other users’ data in the Users section of ETMS. Use this checklist to limit the user data that users in the selected position can view and edit. This feature also limits the permission changes they can grant.

A user in the selected position can view and edit other users in the Users section of ETMS only when those users are assigned to the editable positions that are checked in the Settings tab.

Additionally, a user in the selected position can assign users only to the checked editable positions. For example, an agency might want to allow a manager to view, edit, and assign users only to positions that the manager directly oversees.

In this example, the settings impose the following restrictions. The current position can do the following:

  • View and edit only users whose positions are either Data Analyst or IT
  • Assign users only to a position of either Data Analyst or IT

When restricting editable positions, many agencies do not want users to be able to change their own information. To prevent that possibility, do not check the editable box for the position you are currently changing. For example, if you are assigning functionality for the Data Analyst position, do not check the Editable Position box for Data Analyst.

If you check the All Current and Future Positions checkbox, it is equivalent to checking all the positions. Additionally, if system administrators add new positions to the system in the future, they will also be checked. This setting allows users in the selected position to view all other users and to assign all positions to them.

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