Building the Tax Data
1. Go to Payroll >Tax Reporting > Employee Tax Reporting .
- Enter the payroll year
- Select tax period 5 (annual) from the drop down list
- Verify that the employer setup is complete by clicking Setup Employer
- Verify that the state setup is complete by clicking Setup States
- Verify that the departments have been setup by clicking Setup
- If the setup has not been done select the employer ID number from the drop down list
- Select each of the departments from the drop down list
- Verify that W2 boxes have been setup by clicking Setup W2 Boxes
- If the setup has not been done select the deduction code from the drop down list
- Select the applicable W2 box for the deduction selected. If the Box is not in the drop down list, click the green checkmark to add it as shown below
- For Box 12 items, select the IRS code for each item from the drop down list in the Plan Code field. If the Plan Code is not in the drop down list, click the green checkmark to add
2. Click Build Tax Data.
- From Check Date: Enter the check date for the first check of the year. The exact check date does NOT have to be entered, 01/01/202X can be used
- Thru Check Date: Enter the check date for the last check of the year. The exact check date does NOT have to be entered, 12/31/202X can be used
- Click Start
- If Delete Existing Records is NOT checked, the following message will display and any records that exist from previous builds for period 5 will not be changed
If Delete Existing Records IS checked, the following message displays and any records that exist from previous builds for period 5 will be deleted and rebuilt.
TIP: Avail recommends selecting this option when building data for the first time for period 5.
- If Delete Existing Records is NOT checked, the following message will display and any records that exist from previous builds for period 5 will not be changed
- When the build completes, the following message displays, Click OK
- The tax build can be run multiple times, if necessary
- Click Stop to reactivate the buttons
- When the build completes, the following message displays, Click OK
3. If edits are necessary prior to printing W2’s, click Modify Employee. Records are displayed in Employee Number order. The record selector button is in the lower left hand corner of the form.
Printing W2s and W3
Form numbers are from These formats have been tested and comply with Avail software.
Four up Boxes: Form #BW24UP05.
W2 Print Format: 4 Up W2
Four up Horizontal: Form #BW24DWN05
W2 Print Format: 4 Down W2
They also have Kits available for the ‘Traditional’ W2’s as shown below. Form numbers vary depending on the type of Kit ordered.
W2 Print Format: 2 Up W2
W3: Form #BW305
To add W2 print format go to Payroll > Payroll Maintenance > Payroll Setup > Misc Codes (PR)
- Select W2PrintFormat from the Type dropdown list
- The following entries should be listed
- If the print formats are not available in the drop-down list enter W2PrintFormat in the Type field and complete the Code and Value fields as shown above.
To add W3 print format go to Payroll > Payroll Maintenance > Payroll Setup > Misc Codes (PR)
- Select W3PrintFormat from the Type drop-down list.
- The following entry should be listed:
- If the print format is not available in the dropdown list enter W3PrintFormat in the Type field and complete the Code and Value fields as shown in above.
Click Print W2’s.
- Select the employer ID from the drop down list
- Select the W2 format (Two to a page – 2 Up, or Four to a page boxes – 4 Up, or 4 to a page horizontal – 4 Down) from the dropdown list. (Sample of the supported formats are shown below.)
- When printing the 4 Up Format, if every other page is blank, adjust the margins as follows: Top - .25, Left - .25, Bottom - .25, Right - .166
TIP: To add codes for W2 print format see the last section of this article.
- When printing the 4 Down Format, if the data prints too low, adjust the margins as follows: Top - .15, Left - .25, Bottom - .25, Right - .25
- To print the forms for all Departments, leave the All Departments box checked. The forms will print in alphabetical order by the employees’ last name.
- To print the forms for a specific department, select the department from the drop down list. The forms will print in alphabetical order by the employees’ last name for the selected department
- To print the forms for all Employees, leave the All Employees box checked. The forms will print in alphabetical order by the employees’ last name
- To print a form for a specific employee, click on the red question mark, select the employee from the drop down list and click Update
- Click Print
- The forms will display on the screen. Use the File/Print option to send the print job to the printer.
To create the file for electronic filing
- Click Create Xmit file
- Select the employer ID from the drop down list
- Select the State from the drop down list
- Select the Kind of Employer from the drop down list. Selections can be added by clicking the green check mark
Codes are:
F – Federal Government
S – State and Local Governmental Employer
T – Tax Exempt Employer
Y – State and Local Tax Exempt Employer
N – None Apply
- The employee count option is used for quarterly reports only
- Click Print to view/print a report. Use the File/Print option to send the print job to the printer
- Click Start to create the text file. The Text file will be saved in the location specified in the Path to Federal Tax File field and ready for uploading