Executive SOP 050: Organizational Change Management


This procedure provides information to assist Avail customers in integrating myAvail into their existing operations and maintenance processes. It is intended to help the agency prepare for the impact of ITS on Operations. The process covers identifying current business processes, designing future business processes with ITS, identifying items impacted by ITS, and developing an Organizational Change Management plan to mitigate resistance to change.  

Operational Impact and Metrics  

Operational Impact: The CAD/AVL system provides transit agencies the opportunity to automate several important operations and maintenance functions, and if used as designed, the CAD/AVL system will provide data to agency staff to make proactive decisions to improve the customer experience and streamline operations and maintenance functions. These functions include, but are not limited to, route scheduling, route performance, pull-out, and monitoring vehicle health. To realize the full benefits of the system, it is recommended that new users review their manual practices and procedures and identify opportunities to integrate system functions into operational practices.  

Metrics: On-time performance; customer complaints; maintenance performance 


ITS  Intelligent Transportation Systems 
CAD/AVL  Computer-Aided Dispatch and Automatic Vehicle Location 
Block  All the routes run by a vehicle 
MDT  Mobile Data Terminal 


Prior to, during, and for a period after roll out of ITS 

Roles and Responsibilities  

This procedure is intended for executives and managers to consider the operational impact when implementing ITS. 


  1. Define current operations and maintenance practices  
      • Identify current performance metrics 
      • Review current business processes 
      • Review current SOPs 
      • Review current roles and responsibilities (job descriptions) 
  2. Map current practices to ITS functionality 
      • Route scheduling and management 
      • Operator scheduling and management  
      • Vehicle health monitoring  
  3. Design future business processes integrated ITS 
      • Design new route scheduling process 
      • Design new operator scheduling process 
      • Design new vehicle health monitoring process  
      • Determine performance metrics and KPIs to adopt 
      • Crosswalk current metrics reporting with myAvail metrics reporting 
  4. Identify items impacted by ITS implementation 
      • Update roles and responsibilities 
      • Update business processes 
      • Review Avail SOPs 
      • Update internal SOPs 
  5. Create change management plan 
      • People - Develop and implement a plan to communicate new staff responsibilities 
      • Process – Create or update new business processes  
      • Technology – Create and implement plan to integrate new ITS technology  
  6. Implement change management plan  
  7. Monitor change management plan 

Supporting Documents

Related SOPs

  1. SP-051-01 Executive – Dashboards, Reports and Widgets
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