Information Technology (IT) SOP 041: Disaster Recovery


This procedure provides information for Information Technology and/or System Administrators to ensure Disaster Recovery policies covering AVL systems (network, hardware, software) are in place. The procedure provides a process for setting up non-Avail hosted solutions, or working with Avail hosted solutions. 

Operational Impact and Metrics 

Operational Impact: It is imperative that all agencies who are hosting their own Avail servers to establish a disaster recovery plan. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that in the case of an emergency a plan has been established to minimize system down time via execution of the DR plan. 

Metrics: Successful test of DR Plan on a bi-annual or annual basis 


ITS  Intelligent Transportation Systems 
CAD/AVL  Computer-Aided Dispatch and Automatic Vehicle Location 
VM  Virtual Machine 
DR  Disaster Recovery 


Managing own servers, set up DR plan at initial implementation of CAD/AVL system.  Review annually, biannually 

Roles and Responsibilities 

Implementation of these procedures is the responsibility of transit agency staff involved in system administration and/or information technology. 


  1. Establish and implement Disaster Recovery Plan 

Option 1 - Setting up Non-Hosted Solutions 

  1. Identify and review your agency’s organizational IT Disaster Recovery (DR) plan 
  2. Update IT DR plan to include Avail ITS  
  3. Server backup recommendations 
  4. Perform full machine or VM backups weekly 
  5. Perform SQL database backups daily 
  6. Ensure a copy of each is stored at an off-site facility  
  7. Virus protection software recommendations 
  8. Ensure that Avail ITS Servers have the same virus software as the rest of the network 
  9. Supplemental power recommendations  
  10. Backup power for all network hardware (routers, servers, switches, etc.)  
  11. Backup for workstations 

Option 2 – Avail Hosted Solutions 

  1. Contact myAvail for copy of relevant DR policy 
  2. Simulate Disaster Recovery  
  3. Recommended biannually 
  4. Retrieve data to demonstrate … 
  5. Perform annual review of Disaster Recovery Plan 

Supporting Documents

Related SOPs 

  1. SP-040-01 System Admin – General Responsibilities 
  2. SP-042-01 IT – Preventive Maintenance of Servers 
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