The bottom of the MDT displays the Status Bar. This area provides important status messages in a text box (for example, LOGGED ON, Late 4 Minutes, Wait to Depart), as well as other information in icon form:
- Data connectivity status
- GPS signal status
- Data transmission activity (TX/RX)
- Wi‑Fi status
- Mail status (messages from dispatch)
- Vehicle GPS time (used by the system to determine schedule adherence)
Data Connectivity Signal Status Icon
Vehicles must be connected to the cloud server when operators log on and log off for the mobile data terminal (MDT) to capture all service data (vehicle health, scheduled miles and hours, ridership data, on-time performance data, fare collection). That connection status is shown as a green checkmark for the vehicle operator on the Status Bar of the MDT. If data connectivity is lost after an operator logs on, a Bad Comms system event notifies maintenance/ dispatch of the vehicle’s loss of data connectivity. The MDT Status Bar displays a red X icon to indicate the loss of data connectivity to the operator.
The system utilizes a Store and Forward mode if the vehicle loses data connectivity after operator logon. Even for extended periods, the vehicle system will continue operating and any data collected will be stored and sent in when connectivity resumes.
While in Store and Forward mode, the MDT Home screen will display the correct timepoints and stops, schedule adherence status messages will be correctly displayed, on the MDT, stops will be announced at the right time, the fare system will function correctly, and passenger counts will continue.
After data communications are restored, the MDT will then forward all data it captured while offline, including stop reports, APC reports, on-time performance, vehicle health messages, etc.
MDT has data channel connectivity with the central system. The MGR provides network status information to the MDT; the MDT will make repeated central system connection attempts if a network is available. The MDT requests this information from the MGR at startup, and the MGR provides the MDT with network status updates when the network status changes. |
Indicates weak data signal. The system might not be able to send and receive data. | |
Indicates no data signal. The system cannot send and receive data. |
If your agency's policy directs, you should notify dispatch about weak or lost signal incidences.
GPS Location Status Icon
The vehicle GPS uses satellite signals to determine vehicle location. When vehicles lose contact with GPS satellites for a configurable amount of time, the system notifies dispatch about the failure and reports the vehicle’s last known location until the signal is restored and the vehicle sends an updated location. One of these icons is always visible.
Indicates a good GPS lock. Normal operation. | |
Indicates weak or no GPS lock. The system might not be able to locate the vehicle. |
If your agency's policy directs, you should notify dispatch about lost GPS signal incidences.
TX/RX Data Activity Icon
The Status Bar includes an icon area to indicate data transmission to (TX) and from (RX) the COMMS server. These icons are only visible during data transmission.
The RX and TX icons appear here for informational purposes and do not require any actions by the operator.
TX and RX flash to indicate data Transmit and Receive activity. TX and RX may flash independently. A blank icon space indicates no current activity. |
WLAN Icons
The WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) icons appear here for informational purposes and do not require any actions by the operator.
The vehicle has connected to a known WLAN access point. | |
The MDT has opened a communications channel to the central system through the WLAN network. | |
The MDT is transferring data to/from the central system through the WLAN network, or processing data received through the WLAN network. |
Mail Icon
The MDT Status Bar includes an icon area for indicating the status of dispatch messages to the vehicle. These icons are only visible if there are dispatch messages in the MDT Inbox or its History folder.
For more information, see MSG Button.
Mail icons for Modern MDTs (Xenarc, for example)
New or unread messages exist in the Inbox. | |
All the messages in the Inbox have been read by the operator. | |
There are no messages in the Inbox, but there are read messages in the History folder. |
Mail icons for Older MDTs (mSlate, for example)
New, unread messages exist in the Inbox. The message title has NOT been reviewed. | |
Unread messages exist in the Inbox or History folders. The operator reviewed the message title but did not open and read the full message. | |
Messages exist in the Inbox or History folder, and the operator has read them all. |
Status Text Box
The Status Text Box in the lower left corner of the screen provides essential information to the operator. The Status Text Box will display, for example, the schedule adherence status, the myAvail in-vehicle system status, or the last system action, such as sending a message to dispatch. The following are a few of the common messages:
Status Value |
Description |
The vehicle operating system is doing the initial boot-up. |
A boot to the initial settings is being forced. This should not be seen during normal operations. This state is often done to correct problems, and, in that case, a second reboot is always done. |
The vehicle is performing the initial sync with the backend system. |
The system has returned from an Out of Service state, but has not yet arrived or departed a stop. |
LATE +#Min |
The vehicle is at a timepoint and is running # minutes late. |
The operator has logged Off. |
The logon verification is complete. |
The operator has pressed the Manual Announce button. NOTE This should not be done unless directed by dispatch. The vehicle will NOT appear in myStop public information systems while in this mode. dispatch is notified when in this mode. |
The text message the operator sent to dispatch has been delivered. |
The vehicle is off the scheduled route. The default is 500 feet but is configurable. This calculation will consider a properly set up detour. |
The vehicle has returned to the scheduled route. |
The vehicle is at a timepoint and is on-time, meaning the vehicle is no more than a specified number of minutes (usually 5) past the scheduled departure time and can leave the stop as soon as possible. |
The operator has pressed the Out of Service button |
The PRTT (Priority Request To Talk) request was delivered to dispatch. |
The vehicle has requested to register with the backend system but has not yet been acknowledged. |
The RTT (Request To Talk) request was delivered to dispatch. |
The vehicle system is operational. |
In a closed-mic radio system or a VoIP system, either a coverage problem or equipment problem is preventing data communications with the backend system. This state allows the vehicle to communicate without using the RTT or PRTT function. |
WAIT #Min |
The vehicle is at a timepoint and is running # minutes ahead of schedule. If it can be done safely the operator should wait to depart. |
The normal boot-up process is running. |