Legacy On-time Analysis by Departure

Navigation: ETMS > Operations > Business Intelligence Card > Planning > Schedule Adherence > On-time by Departure > Legacy On-time Analysis by Departure 

The Legacy On-Time Performance Report leverages status reports from the in-vehicle hardware to categorize each timepoint departure as Early, On-time or Late as defined in system-wide schedule adherence parameters. This differs from the new On-Time Analysis By Departure report which correlates vehicle departure reports with the service schedule to categorize each scheduled timepoint departure as Missed, Early Outlier, Early, On-time, Late, or Late Outlier as defined by report parameters.

This report displays the following information:

  • Route
  • On-time Percent: Percentages of departures that occurred after the early threshold and before the late threshold.
  • Late Percent: Percentages of departures that occurred after the late threshold.
  • Early Percent: Percentages of departures that occurred before the early threshold.
  • Special Percent: Percentage of vehicle use in “Special Events” mode - a feature used for special events that are not part of scheduled fixed route service for example shuttle service for a sporting event.
  • Actual Departures: Count of all departures.

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The Legacy On-time Analysis by Departure report has the following filters:

  • Start Time: Allows you to filter data to this Start Time.
  • End Time: Allows you to filter data to this End Time.
  • Route: Allows you to filter data to one or several Routes.
  • Direction: Allows you to filter data to one Direction or both Inbound and Outbound.
  • Service Level: Allows you to filter data to one or several Service Levels.
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