Pullout-Pullin Analysis

Navigation: ETMS > Operations > Business Intelligence Card > Planning > Pullout-Pullin > Pullout-Pullin Analysis

This report provides an analysis of the starting times and ending times of trips for the date range that the filter pane specifies. This report also displays important data for vehicles that are not logged into the Avail system and pieces of work where the vehicle operator logged in after beginning revenue service.

TIP: Use this information as a coaching tool for your vehicle operators and to ensure dispatch manages related events.
IMPORTANT: Service data is not collected from vehicles that are not logged in via the MDT. The black bars indicate times when service is being performed but related data is not captured, as the vehicle operator did not login. The vehicle, in these cases, will not display to ridership as available either. The grey bars indicate the operator logged on to the MDT after beginning service, so the initial data for the vehicle is not collected
TIP: Ensure all operator log on at the start of their shift.

Unlike the Revenue Pullout Performance Overview, this report provides additional detail and groups pullouts by criteria other than just routes. The graph displays the percentage of pullouts or pullins that occurred on-time, late, or early. It also indicates the percentage of trips that were missed on and off route. Use this chart to identify factors that cause an unacceptable amount of early or late pullouts or pullins.

The outcome variable on the vertical axis is a pullin or pullout status. The graph displays the percentage of each status on the vertical axis using color codes. The default graph displays Revenue Pullouts by routes. However, use the following features to change the display.

  • The Category field in the Filter pane changes the outcome variable on the vertical axis. For example, choose Revenue Pullin to display pullin statuses rather than pullout statuses.
  • The tabs along the top change the groups along the horizontal axis. For example, click the Block tab to view statuses by block rather than route.

When assessing the graph, look for groups along the horizontal axis that have unacceptable on-time performance. Simplify this process by specifying a Sort Order in the filter pane that displays the groups by their status. For example, if you sort by on-time statuses, the groups with the lowest on-time performances will appear on the right-end of the horizontal axis.

Use the filter and drill-down features to customize the report for your requirements. To learn how to interact with reports, see this Business Intelligence section.

In addition to the regular filter items, the Pullout-Pullin Analysis reports have the following special items you can specify:

  • Category: The graph can display statuses for the following outcome variables:
    • Nonrevenue Pullout: Deadheads that begin blocks.
    • Revenue Pullout (Default): First revenue departure.
    • Revenue Pullin: Last revenue pullin.
    • Nonrevenue Pullin: Deadheads that end blocks.
    • Missed Not on Route: Vehicle operator is not logged on the the MDT, vehicle is not capturing data, vehicle is missing on your myStop application ( won't display as providing service)
    • Missed on Route: Vehicle operator logged on the MDT after beginning revenue service
  • Sort Order: Choose the display order of the groups from left to right along the horizontal axis:
    • Label (Default): Increasing order using the numeric and text values in the label’s name.
    • Departure Count: Decreasing order using the number of departures.
    • On-time: Decreasing order using the percentage of on-time departures.
    • Early: Decreasing order using the percentage of early departures.
    • Late: Decreasing order using the percentage of late departures.
  • Show On-time Categories: Choose the statuses to display on the chart: On-time, Late, Early, MissedOnRoute, and MissedNotOnRoute pullouts. By default, the dashboard displays all these Deselect the statuses you do not want to see.
  • Early Threshold (Minutes): Specify how to determine that a vehicle has departed early. When a vehicle departs earlier than the threshold number of minutes before the scheduled pullout time, the system counts it as an early pullout.
  • Late Threshold (Minutes): Specify how to determine that a vehicle has departed late. When a vehicle departs later than the threshold number minutes after the scheduled pullout time, the system counts it as a late pullout.
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