Route Ladder Overview

Navigation: ETMS > Operations > Route Ladder

The Route Ladder functionality shows buses in “route ladders” of scheduled bus routes with the option to scale up or down depending on how many routes they’re assigned. Each rung of the ladder is a major bus stop/timepoint, and symbols depict where each bus is along that route together with different color statuses of buses to highlight their OTP: red is an early bus, white is on time, and orange is late.

When hovering over a bus, a tooltip will show the bus and block IDs. Clicking on the bus will show a bus card that displays detailed bus information: ID, Route, Status, Driver’s Name, Block, Run, Trip, Speed, Load, Charge, Upcoming stops, and Last Updated. Links at the bottom of the card allow the user to add an Incident, go to Decisions Support section or launch the Live Map. The Route Ladder and the Live Map applications are connected and allow the user to see the vehicle in both and jump from one to another by clicking on the Route Ladder and Live Map links.

Users can select the routes relevant to them and monitor buses and how they are separated. They can take note of buses with a colored state or when the spacing seems off. This is particularly beneficial for high frequency areas. From a call standpoint, the Route Ladder can be used if the user doesn’t want to scroll for a map to see where a vehicle is compared to where a rider is.

Keep reading to discover more of Route Ladder including the Time Point card and Live Map integration


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