Options for myAvail Communications to the Public
The myAvail system has several methods to provide information directly to your ridership. Real-time vehicle location and departure times can be displayed on the following:
- myStop® webpage
- myStop® iPhone application
- myStop® Android application
- Real-Time Passenger Information (RTPI) LCD monitor or Kiosk
Real-time vehicle departure times can be displayed on the following:
- RTPI LED digital signage
- Presented by text to speech using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) over a conventional phone
- A one-time SMS text message in response to a text submitted by a rider
- An automatic system generated email or text message based on a subscription service set up by the rider
As described, vehicles send their location data to the COMMS server. This data is processed and written to the central database. Actual stop departure time information is calculated against stop-to-stop running times and other information to derive estimated schedule adherence information. This data creates an XML feed in the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS), which the various Real Time Passenger Information Services (RTPIS) use to provide public information. In addition to using the GTFS data, Avail also provides schedule adherence as a REST endpoint.
To see more information on the GTFS feed, see Real-time General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS).
To see more information about schedule adherence data, see Traveler Information Data Service (TIDS), an IIS Service.
To see more information about myStop®, see myStop® Mobile Applications and myStop® Features.