Live Map Legend

This article defines the vehicle, stop, and alert icons used in Live Map. 

Vehicle Icons


All vehicle icons on the Live Map are based on fleet-level settings. See Fleets for more information. Fuel types not shown here will use the Gas icons.

Alert Icons


A vehicle with more than one active alert will display the higher-priority color. For example, the alert for a vehicle with an urgent schedule alert and a mild charge alert will be mceclip1.png.

Stop Icons


Stop icons indicate the serviced route(s). Stops serviced by 1 to 3 routes show the user-defined colors of each route. Stops serviced by 4 or more stops will be rainbow-colored.  

Traffic Colors

The color code, a Google Maps feature, shows you the speed of traffic on the road:

  • Green: No traffic delays.
  • Orange: Medium amount of traffic.
  • Red: Traffic delays. The darker the red, the slower the speed of traffic on the road.
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