Lockout Functionality

Most properties have lockout functionality enabled. When it is, the vehicle will “lockout” the Avail features whenever the vehicle reaches a defined speed. Generally, this will not prohibit navigation functionality. However, there are two scenarios where the lockout and navigation interact. Either navigation is active when the vehicle goes into lockout or navigation is not active when the vehicle goes into lockout. Both scenarios are described in the sections below.  

Navigation Active When Lockout Is Initiated

If navigation is active when the lockout is initiated, there will be no visible difference to the user. The navigation will still be active, and all functions will be available. If the user hides the navigation, then the screen will show lockout as normal.

Navigation Is Not Active When Lockout Is Initiated

If navigation is not active, there is a configuration that allows the user to open navigation while in lockout. If enabled, the top menu button that is usually “ANNC” will now display “MAP TO”. If this button is pressed, then the navigation will be open, and the user can use the navigation with no restrictions. If not enabled, the user will not be allowed to start navigation while in lockout.

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