NexView User Manual v11


Transit Solutions NexView Software- Software Installation Guide & User Manual

Version 11.0 *Technical specifications are subject to change without prior notice*

1. Introduction

Dear Customer,
By selecting a product of TSI, you have chosen a professional device that ensures the highest quality and reliability. We would like to thank you here again for putting your trust in us and ask that you carefully read the following information prior to operating the device so that you can fully enjoy all the advantages of this product. In presenting this document, TSI does not make any guarantee regarding the correctness or completeness of its contents and reserves the right to alter this document at any time without notice.



1.1 Safety Information

Please follow all safety precautions to ensure proper functionality of the hardware and software
Always pack the device in the original box for transportation.

  1. Never place the device near heaters, ovens or any other sources of heat.
  2. Avoid contact with direct sunlight.
  3. Always allow the device to acclimatise before putting it into operation.
  4. Install the device in dry areas only and do not allow moisture to enter the equipment.
  5. Always contact a trained specialist before attempting any repairs on the device. You can report any problems to

1.2 Areas of Application

The NEXUS-HVR is intended for use in the public transit marketplace.

Warning: The use of video and audio surveillance systems is subject to strict conditions. Establish which laws apply specifically to your state or province and, if necessary, inform your customers of these conditions before any installation is performed.

1.3 NexView System Requirements

Analog Video Requirements:
Intel Core i5 or Equivalent
4GB DDR3 Memory or Higher
HDD space is on an as needed basis, but a minimum of 50GB

HD Video (IP Camera) Requirements:
Intel Core i5 or Equivalent
8GB DDR3 Memory or Higher
HDD space is on an as needed basis, but a minimum of 50GB

HD Video (IP Camera) Recommended:
Intel Core i7 or Equivalent
8GB DDR3 Memory or Higher
HDD space is on an as needed basis, but a minimum of 50GB

2. Software Installation Guide

2.1 Installing NexView Software

This section covers the installation of the NexView software. To use all the functions of NexView, the NexView - Server service must be installed and running, and a SQL database must be created. Please contact TSI support if you are not sure if this service has been installed at your site.

To start the NexView software installation, double-click the “NexView 1.7.5 Setup x64” file (version will not be the same for all customers). There is also a 32-bit installer available.

Click the “Next” button to start the installation process.

Select the components for installation and click the “Next” button to continue Installing the “NexusHVR-USB” driver will allow connections to a NEXUS-HVR through the USB port on the front of the unit.

This option should not be needed on desktop computers. “File association to player” will allow for proprietary “.nxv” videos to open using the NexView software.

Leave the default installation folder or select a new installation folder, then click the “Install” button to start the installation process. Click the “Finish” button to complete the installation process.

2.2 Logging in to the NexView Software

Double-click the TSI-NexView icon to open the program. Checking the “Remember login” box will prevent the prompt for a username or password in the future. The initial login username is “TSI” and the initial password is also “TSI . 

If the user is unable to log on with the initial login and password of “TSI”, then the site has enabled user permissions and they should contact their IT administrator for the appropriate username and password. The user can also log in using their Windows login if Active Directory has been integrated to NexView.

2.3 Configuring NexView Database Information

After installing NexView it must be pointed to the NexView Server SQL database. When opening NexView for the first time the Client Settings screen below will be shown, and it must be filled with the correct information.

2.3.1 NexView Client Settings

This tab allows the user to Change some NexView preferences for whichever machine they are logged in to.

2.3.2 NexView Geolocation

This tab allows the user to Change some NexView preferences for whichever machine they are logged in to.

2.4 User Management

The User Management page allows for the creation of NexView users and groups. Groups
will be created with specific permissions in the NexView software, and then users will be
assigned to those groups. TSI recommends making separate groups for IT Administrators,
Operations Personnel, and Maintenance Personnel.

2.5 Adding User Groups

Linking Windows Active Directory to NexView will allow users to login to NexView with their
Windows account (bypassing the need for a separate NexView username and password).
Once Active Directory has been linked to NexView, Active Directory user groups can be
linked to groups created in NexView. When choosing this option, first user groups must be
created in Active Directory (based on the desired NexView permissions for these users), and
then create corresponding groups with the appropriate permissions in NexView. Once this
has been done, Active Directory groups can be linked to the associated NexView groups as
shown below.

2.6 User Permissions

This Section provides a short explanation for each selectable user permission.

  1. REVIEW - Allows user to view live video and stored video on the Nexus-HVR hard drive, as well as download images and videos locally to the machine.
    • View Live Images - Ability to view live footage of cameras and capture an image from the live video.
      • Export Live Images - Allows user to save images from live view and export as .jpeg/.png.
      • Print Live Images - Allows live images to be printed.
    • View Stored Images - Gives user ability to view stored video on the Nexus HVR hard drives, as well as video queries downloaded to the server.
      • Export Stored Images - Allows the user to save an image from recorded video and export it as .jpeg/.png.
      • Print Stored Images - Allows user to print images from recorded video.
      • Export Video Clips – The ability to take segments of recorded video and export saved video clips.
        • Export AVI Clips - Allows user to export video segments in AVI format.
    • Video Queries - Allows user to request video downloads from the Nexus-HVR and view those downloads.
      • View Video Queries - Allows the user to view downloaded video queries on the server.
      • Request Video Queries - Permits the user to download video from the Nexus-HVR to be stored on the server.
      • Delete Video Queries - Allows user to delete video queries from the Video Archive.
      • Manage Video Storage - Allows user to set short and long term video retention periods.
  2. VIEW DEVICE SERVICE - Allows user to view detailed information regarding the Nexus-HVR including log and status information.
    • Format Hard Disk - User will be able to format the hard drive on any Nexus-HVR, this will erase all videos currently saved on that hard drive.
    • Reboot Device - Allows the user to remotely reboot the Nexus-HVR. No settings will be altered or changed.
    • Sync Device Time - Adjust the internal clock of the Nexus-HVR to match the time used on the server.
    • Update Firmware - Allows user to install firmware to the currently selected NexusHVR unit.
    • View Diagnostics – Allows for viewing of device diagnostic logs.
    • View Device Logbook - Allows the user to view operations performed by the HVR.
    • View Device Status – Shows the operation health of all devices.
    • View Software Log – Provides user with the ability to view device serial numbers and health status of devices.
    • Show Debug Information – Allows users to perform advance diagnostics.
  3. CONFIGURE DEVICE - Gives user ability to access the configuration tab. The configuration tab will show setup information on the Nexus-HVR including camera settings, network settings, input and output settings, general settings and display settings.
    • Import Configuration - Gives the user permission to import saved configuration files, this will overwrite all current Nexus-HVR settings once applied.
    • Export Device Configuration - Grants the user exporting rights of a Nexus-HVR configuration file. All settings used by that Nexus-HVR will be saved to a destination location of the users choice.
    • Apply Configuration - This allows a user to make and apply any changes to a Nexus-HVR.
    • Expert Mode Configuration - Gives user root level access to change settings on the Nexus-HVR.
  4. CHANGE PASSWORD - Allows the user to change their password.
  5. USER MANAGEMENT - Allows user to view the current list of users and groups
    • Edit Users - Allows user to make changes to all users under user management. This includes user names and logins, email address and passwords.
    • Edit Groups - Gives user ability to change group privileges. Group privileges will grant or take rights away from all users in that group.
  6. FLEET MANAGEMENT - Allows user to view all Nexus-HVR units and their information in the fleet tab.
    • View Fleet Status - Gives user the ability to see the fleet status tab. This tab shows the status of each Nexus-HVR unit. The status shows the health of each unit and if any maintenance is needed.
    • View Fleet Database - Allows the user to see the database tab. This shows each Nexus-HVR and its assigned IP address.
      • Add/Edit Device - Allows the user to add a Nexus-HVR to the fleet or edit existing Nexus-HVR connection information.
      • Remove Device - Allows user to remove Nexus-HVRs from the database.
      • Manage Template Configurations – Allows users to manage template configurations for push configuration jobs.
    • Configure Client/Server Settings - This will allow the user to change the settings of the NexView software to make communication with the server.
    • Set Reference Image – Allows users to decide on a reference image used for camera verification.
    • Accept & Reject Verification Image – Allows user to approve or deny camera images downloaded via camera verification.
  7. VIEW JOBS - Allows user to see jobs under the jobs tab. This will show what the job does and its schedule.
    • Add/Edit Jobs - Allows user to add new jobs and edit previously created jobs. Jobs include status updates, logbook updates, event downloads, and time synchronization.
    • Delete Jobs - Allows user to remove any jobs created underneath the jobs tab.
  8. ASSET MANAGEMENT - Allows user to track serial numbers for devices in their fleet.
    • View Assets - Gives user the ability to see the serial numbers for each device on vehicles in their fleet.
      • Edit Assets - Gives ability to edit the serial numbers for devices on each vehicle.
    • Manage Templates – Permits user to manage templates to be used to track serial numbers within the fleet.

2.7 Adding Users

3 NexView Pages

3.1 Navigating the NexView Pages

NexView is split up into 6 different “tabs” or “pages”. Each tab allows the user to perform a different function of the NexView software. Listed below is the basic function of each tab, more in-depth info on each tab is included in later sections of this manual.

Left-Clicking on the tab will navigate the user to that page. When switching back and forth between tabs the user will not lose what they were working on. 

NOTE: When a user logs in to NexView they may not have every page available. This is because NexView allows for user permissions to be set on an individual user basis. Most operations personnel do not need to change configuration settings on a HVR, so the Configuration Page is an example of a page that may not be available to some users.

3.1.1 Tool Tips

Some buttons in the NexView software may not have obvious wording as to what they do. A tool tip (indicated with the arrow) will display while hovering the mouse cursor over those buttons.

3.1.2 Tools Panel

All the NexView tabs have a “tools panel” on the left-hand side. This tools panel can be pinned in place or collapsed. There is a small  or to collapse and pin the tools panel, respectively. While the tools panel is collapsed, there is a wider view of the main panels on that tab.

3.2 Fleet Status

3.2.1 Fleet Status Summary

The Fleet Status page is used to monitor the status of all the Nexus-HVRs in the fleet. The
list can be sorted by any of the columns shown by clicking on the column header.

The NexView fleet status page should be used to determine which vehicles need attention
from maintenance. The colored circle on the left side of each row will let the user quickly
determine the status of the Nexus-HVR.

NOTE: Camera system can be checked in the vehicle by the vehicle operator/ maintenance. Please refer to the In Vehicle Color Coding.

NOTE: The Date/Time column is especially important to pay attention to. This column
shows the last time a bus has completed a status check. If the date in this column is more
than a week old and the bus has been in service, someone should inspect the vehicle to find
out why it has not been communicating wirelessly.

3.2.2 Opening a Nexus-HVR Logbook

Right-clicking anywhere on a HVR’s row and selecting “System Information” will open more
detailed status information for that unit (can also double-click).

Clicking on the “Logbook” tab will bring up the Nexus-HVR logs.

Clicking the  button will allow the user to export and save a portion of the Nexus-HVR Logbook.

3.2.3 Checking the Nexus-HVR Status and Job History

The user can left-click to select a Nexus-HVR in the Fleet Status page, selecting a unit will allow them to see the Status or the Job history for that unit in the bottom portion of the screen.

The Status history tab allows the user to see the results of the most recent status checks on the selected HVR. Clicking the  dropdown will allow the user to filter status checks by their result.

Selecting the “Job History” tab will display a Nexus-HVR’s history for specific jobs.

Use the “Show” dropdown menu to determine how far back to search. The “Filter” dropdown is used to filter which jobs are shown, based on the result of the job. The final “Jobs” dropdown allows the user to filter the job history based on job type.

3.2.4 Checking Camera Verification

The Camera Verification tab is used to check if any camera views have shifted or been covered while a vehicle has been in use. The user will only find images in this tab if their site is running the “Camera Verification” Job. To properly use Camera Verification, first the Camera Verification Job must be created. When this job runs for the first time, it will display “Current” images in the Camera Verification Tab. More information about the camera verification job can be found in section 4.3.2 of this manual.

NexView users can look through these images and click the “Set as Reference” button. A user should only set the screenshot as a reference if the camera view is correct. This should be done for every camera view on every Nexus-HVR vehicle. The Camera Verification Job will continue to run in user defined time intervals, users should compare the Current images with the Reference images to determine if any camera views have changed.

Clicking the “Reject” button should be done if a camera view has been covered or shifted. Any camera being rejected will show a warning for that vehicle on the Fleet Status Tab.

Once a camera image has been either accepted or rejected, placing the cursor on the image brings up a tool tip stating the user who has verified the image with a date and time stamp. 

3.3 Jobs

3.3.1 Jobs Tab Summary

The Jobs page is used to create or edit tasks that are scheduled to repeat on the fleet. This page is also used to create Video Queries. The user can organize the list of jobs by any of the columns shown by clicking on the column header (indicated with an arrow). 

The “Job History” section of the “Jobs” page works similarly to the “Job History” on the “Fleet” Page, the difference is that instead of selecting a vehicle and seeing the most recent jobs for that vehicle, instead the user will select a specific Job and see the history of all vehicles that have run that Job. See section 4.2.3 for a description.

3.3.2 Adding a Job

When the NexView software suite is first installed, it is important to set up a recurring job schedule. Once this schedule has been set, it will normally not need to be adjusted. Usually TSI will create these jobs during the Project start up.



3.3.3 Creating a Video Query

Video Queries are an essential function of the NexView software. When a Video Query is created, the server will begin to wirelessly download a video segment from the selected Nexus-HVR as soon as that vehicle is connected to the wireless network. TSI recommends limiting a Video Query to 30 minutes or less whenever possible. The longer the Video Query, the longer it will take to completely download.

Use the   button to start a Video Query. 


3.3.4 Downloads Tab

On the downloads tab the user can view all pending and completed Video Query downloads. The downloads list can be sorted by any of the column headers by clicking on that header.

Video queries will show as Done (success) when the video has finished downloading. Otherwise the status bar will turn yellow for interrupted or red for failure (video corrupted/video doesn’t exist). 

A Video Query will change to the “Interrupted” status whenever a download that was in progress is halted, this can happen for many different reasons, such as the vehicle shutting down before the download has completed. The Video Query will resume as soon as a wireless connection to the Nexus-HVR is restored. In the meantime, partially downloaded queries can be viewed in the Video Archive.

A copy of a download job can be added by right-clicking on an entry and selecting “Create copy”. The new copy will populate the same ‘job name’ with an automatic numeric increment appended at the end. For example: ‘Job Name [1]’, ‘Job Name [2]’, …

The user can clear the download history by right-clicking on an entry and selecting “Delete”.

Selecting “Show info” will show additional information about the video file.

3.3.5 Marked Video Tab

This tab makes video download suggestions based on vehicle signals that have
been wired to the Nexus-HVR. Vehicle triggers include but are not limited to
wheelchair lifts, reverse signals, and door signals.


Right clicking the video of interest will prompt the user to choose one of the following options:

1. “Create Video Query” will download the marked video file using the preconfigured settings.
2. “Edit and create video query” will proceed through the standard video query
prompts. The time slots will already be pre-configured for the video.
3. “Remove item” will remove the marked video suggestion from the listing.

3.4 Database

3.4.1 Database Summary

NOTE: CSV File imports device listings by the following fields(* indicates a
required field): Name*, Serial Number, Type*, IP Address*, Port*, Description.


3.4.2 Adding a device to the database

Selecting the “Decommission” option will prevent that device from displaying on the Fleet
Status Tab but will allow any downloads from that device to remain in the Video Archive.

3.4.3 Template Configurations and Push Configuration Job

Under the Database Tab is the Template Configurations Sub-Tab. This tab is used to create
configuration file templates, which can then be used in tandem with the “Push Configuration” job to wirelessly update configuration settings on a Nexus-HVR(s).

Once the user has successfully saved at least one Template Configuration, they can then create a “Push Configuration” Job. When the user creates this job they will be able to select the template configuration to push, and then select which Nexus-HVRs should receive this configuration update. The NexView server will then wirelessly update the configuration settings on the selected vehicles.

3.5 Service

The Service Tab provides NexView users with the ability to update firmware on a NexusHVR, format hard drives, sync the Nexus-HVR time, and get up-to-date status information on a Nexus-HVR. This tab will not be available for many NexView users.

3.5.1 Updating Nexus-HVR Firmware

The firmware tab will allow the user to update the firmware of the Nexus-HVR and format the Nexus hard drive.

3.5.2 Adding Firmware to the Server Database (Firmware Storage)

The Firmware Storage tab allows a NexView user to upload firmware files to the NexView
database on the server. Doing this is a prerequisite for creating a Firmware Update Job.
The Firmware Update Job will wirelessly update the firmware on any Nexus-HVRs in the

3.5.3 Syncing the Nexus-HVR Time

The Status tab will allow the user to synchronize the time of the Nexus-HVR to match that
of the currently connected computer. Clicking the Request device status button will display
realtime information on the Nexus-HVR.

4 Using the Video Playback tab

The Video Playback tab is where users will go to view recorded video on a review station, to
view live video, or to view downloaded videos in the Video Archive.

4.1 Video Archive

Once a video query has been downloaded, it will appear in the Video Archive. Video Queries
that have started and then are interrupted before the download completes will display with
a status of “Partially Downloaded!”. The archive can be sorted by any of the column
headers (indicated with an arrow) by clicking on that header. To play a video, just double-click the clip name, a video
that appears in bold font has not yet been viewed.

The user can use the box to the left of the search button to narrow down the Video Archive.
Type the search terms into the box, and then hit the “Search” button to narrow the results
to videos that include the search terms. Clicking the refresh button to the right of the filter
button will clear any filters.

The “Users” drop-down list next to the search filter can be used to filter the video archive to
downloads created by one user. Hit the dropdown and select a user to filter the video

The video archive also provides users with the ability to set short term, long term, or
unlimited storage for downloaded videos. Videos exceeding the date set for the storage
term will be deleted automatically on that date. Section 7.4 contains more information on
setting storage terms.

4.2 Connecting to a Review Station (or another recorder)

If the users computer is on the same network as a review station or another Nexus-HVR
they can connect to it by selecting it from the list of devices on the left of the screen, and
then clicking the “Connect” button. Connecting to a Nexus-HVR will allow viewing of
recorded video on the hard drive, and live video if the device has associated cameras.

4.2.1 Displaying Cameras and Event Data

Once the user has connected to the recorder they will have the option to choose which cameras to display, they can right-click on the “Video” dropdown to display all the camera views at once. Use the Meta Data window dropdown to display event/GPS/ information.                 

                                                                                           Enlarged to show detail for diagram above:


4.2.2 Selecting and Adjusting Camera Views

Double-clicking on a camera view will select that view. When a camera view is selected, that view will be off-set to the left while the rest of the camera views are set to the right. While a camera view is selected that camera view pane can be adjusted in size. Double-clicking the already selected camera view will then unselect that view.

4.2.3 Displaying GPS Data

Selecting GPS from the Meta Data window will display a map view, as shown below. This will show the speed of the vehicle, the time, and the location of the vehicle at that time. The user can right click and drag to move the map around, the user can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Clicking the button will centre the bus on the map. Clicking the full screen button will pop the window out and allow for adjustments to the size. 

Currently Google/Bing/Street maps are the supported maps within the NexView software.

5.2.4 CAD/AVL Metadata

The CAD/AVL Metadata will display on the right-hand side of the screen, within the Metadata window.

NOTE: Information being displayed within the CAD/AVL Metadata box will vary depending on the interface.

5.2.5 Displaying Live Views

Selecting live from the video playback tab will allow the software to connect directly up to the vehicle and display all live views. If the connection to the HVR is done via cellular the ability to select the video quality will appear. It’s important to note that the higher the quality and more cameras that are pulled up will require more data and bandwidth through the cellular connection. 

The quality dropdown box will allow the selection between different quality streams.

4.3 Reviewing recorded video

4.3.1 Calendar

After connecting to the Nexus-HVR the user can select the day of recorded video for review by left clicking the date on the calendar. Days that contain recorded video will be highlighted in green. Days that contain event video will be highlighted in red or yellow. Clicking on a date will display video for that date on the recorded video timeline.

  Click  the "Today" button to jump to today's recorded video.


4.3.2 Recorded video timeline

  • Green sections are recorded video segments
  • Red or yellow sections are event video segments 
  • Click and drag the time cursor to select where to start viewing video (or double-click).
  • Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on the timeline. When using a touchpad, the user can swipe up or down with 2 fingers to zoom out or in, respectively.
  • Left click and drag anywhere on the timeline to move the entire timeline.

4.3.3 Playback buttons

4.3.4 Event List

The Event List will display on the left-hand side of the screen, below the recorded video calendar. Double-clicking any event in the list will skip to the point in the recorded video where that event was triggered.

NOTE: Only inputs that have been correctly wired and configured in the Nexus-HVR will display in the Event List.

4.3.5 Breadcrumbs with Clickable Locations for Video

Breadcrumbs are clickable markers of a bus location on the GPS map from a previous route.

  • To enable Breadcrumbs, click on the map trace button at the top of the GPS panel.
  • The dropdown menu, once Breadcrumbs are enabled, is a list of lengths of time for a bus route.


By hovering your mouse pointer over a Breadcrumb, more information about the buses location and speed will show.

Once a breadcrumb marker is clicked, the timeline will automatically adjust to the associated time of the breadcrumb marker. 

4.3.6 Camera Image Manipulation/Saving Camera Screenshots

Each camera view will have 3 buttons in the top right corner. Theses manipulation buttons can be used during video playback and while footage is stopped.

4.4 Saving Video from a Hard Drive (or the Video Archive)

Once the user has reviewed video from a Nexus-HVR hard drive or from a Video Query in the Video Archive, they should save a local copy of the clip. Saving a video will allow for distribution to parties outside of the organization. There are two ways to save video clips from the recorded video timeline.

4.4.1 Saving with Markers

The user can create a section of video to download to the computer using start and end
markers. To place the markers, first right-click on the video timeline to place the start
marker, and then select “Add start marker”, then do the same with the end marker. After
placing both markers the user can right click the timeline again and click “Download
selection locally” this will allow the user to name the video file and save it off to the
computer (or a USB Drive). Selecting “Create Video Query for Selection” will create a video
query to save the selected video to the video archive. Using these markers on opened video
archive videos will allow the user to save a copy to the video archive. They can also right
click and select “Remove selection”, this will delete the current start and end markers.

4.4.2 Saving with the time range window

The user can click the button to export a video clip to a computer by entering a
starting and ending date and time.

4.4.3 Choosing the file format

Whether choosing to save a clip with markers or by date and time, the user will be brought
to the screen below to save the file.

5. NEXUS-HVR Configuration Settings

Use the  tab to edit configuration settings on a Nexus-HVR.

5.1 Offline Tab

The Configuration Tab contains both “Online” and “Offline” Tabs. The Offline Tab is used in conjunction with the Configuration Sync Job. When the Configuration Sync Job runs on a vehicle it will fill the Offline Tab with that Nexus-HVRs configuration settings. This tab is only used to view configuration settings, or save configuration files, no changes can be made to a Nexus-HVR recorder while on the Offline Tab.

5.2 How to Save or Load a Configuration File

Once the user has successfully logged into a Nexus-HVR it is easy to save or load a configuration file. Make sure that they are on the Online Tab, under Configuration.

Click this button to browse to a folder on the computer the configuration file can be saved. This option is also featured in the Offline Tab, once the configuration settings have been saved to server, see below.
Click this button to browse to a saved configuration file, click the open button to load the configuration file. A prompt will appear allowing the user to confirm/change the network settings. 

If the user has loaded a new configuration file or made any changes, they must click this button to save those changes.

If the user has made a configuration change that requires a reboot, they will
see a prompt showing that the device must be rebooted, this button will appear and will reboot the Nexus-HVR.
Click this button to save the configuration settings to the offline tab, this will allow the user to see configurations for devices that are not currently online.

NOTE: Loading a configuration will apply changes to the network settings directly related to the source of the config file. It is recommended to use the config file from the vehicles offline configuration tab.

5.3 Nexus-HVR Configuration Pages

5.3.1 General

RAID configuration will enable data duplication across both internal drives. In the event of a failed drive the data will persist on the second drive. Enabling this feature will limit the total record time in half. 

5.3.2 Network [Interfaces]

Use this page to setup the recorder IP addresses.

5.3.3 Network (Beacon)

The Beacon IP address should be set to the server that the NexView service is running on. This address is necessary for the Nexus-HVR to communicate with the NexView Server.

5.3.4 Network (Protocols)

TSI has developed network integration with certain CAD-AVL vendors. The configuration for this communication is setup on this tab.

5.3.5 Network (GPS)

For certain CAD-AVL integrations GPS information can be retrieved by using the proper configuration settings.

5.3.6 Camera Settings (Analog Cameras)

Use this page to setup analog cameras.

5.3.7 Camera Settings (IP)

Use this page to setup IP Cameras.

5.3.8 Display Settings (Sequences)

This page is used to determine which camera views to display on a monitor.

5.3.9 Display Settings (OSD)

This page is used to determine error messages that the DVR can display on a monitor.

5.3.10 Recording (Main)

This page allows the user to partition the Nexus-HVR Hard Drive between normal recorded video and alarm/event recorded video.

5.3.11 Recording (Profile)

This page allows the user to set a different framerate and bitrate for each analog camera based on the type of recording. TSI recommends a bitrate between 500 Kbs and 2000 Kbs, as a higher bitrate will yield better quality recording, but will also result in less recording time.

The purpose of having multiple recording profiles, is to allow the customization of a camera‘s framerate and bitrate depending on the state of recording. Generally some cameras will be set to a higher framerate during alarm or event recording.

5.3.12 Recording (Audio)

This page is where the user will enable analog microphones.

5.3.13 I/O (Input Configurations)

Use this page to program any alarm inputs into the Nexus-HVR. The alarm inputs that are
being programmed here must be correctly wired into the alarm inputs euro-block on the
back of the NEXUS-HVR.


5.3.14 I/O (Serial Lines)

Use this page to setup the GPS Antenna. If using a Garmin unit that has been provided by TSI, it should be setup as shown below.

5.3.15 I/O (G-Force Sensor)

The NEXUS-HVR has a built in G-Force sensor, this page allows the user to choose which Axis(s) to record, and to set a threshold for when the G-Force should alarm.

5.3.16 Actions

The actions page is used to determine when to start alarm or event recording. It can also
be used to set other rules for the NEXUS-HVR, usually based on the alarm inputs.

Clicking the Add new action item button lets the user use the page below to create a new


6. Server Configuration Settings

6.1 General Settings

This tab will display basic communication settings and video storage.

6.2 Database Thinning

The Database Thinning tab will clear out outdated data that is still being stored in the NexView SQL Database. Database thinning can be enabled and set to perform at a configurable number of hours.

6.3 Mail Settings

NexView provides the ability to send automated emails to groups of email addresses. There are three different types of NexView Emails.


6.4 Storage Settings

NexView provides the ability to automatically delete videos stored in the video archive based on retention periods. The default storage term will mark any newly downloaded video queries with either short term, long term, or unlimited retention. Unlimited storage type video downloads will never be deleted without a user manually deleting them from the archive. Short and long term time periods are configurable, as shown in the screen below.

7 Default Port List

The Nexus/NexView system uses a series of TCP/UDP default ports for communication:

During the installation of the SQL Server, TSI will typically use the generated default port. The SQL Server default port uses dynamic ports. Sometimes a default port for the SQL Server will be blocked by a networks firewall. TSI can statically assign the SQL Server default port to prevent having a conflict with a network firewall.

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