IT Dashboard

Navigation: ETMS > System Administration       

Use this dashboard to identify and proactively solve problems and plan for the agency’s long-term technology requirements. It displays vital system metrics such as backups, system availability, licenses, and users. Gain insight by comparing these metrics to expected values and against previous time periods. Ensure that the system is populating data according to the schedule. Determine whether a sufficient number of users can access the system and optimize the number of licenses.

This dashboard allows you to do the following:

  • Monitor the overall number of active users and licenses to ensure IT is meeting the agency’s requirements.
  • Track database backups and their sizes and run times to help IT managers assess this aspect of disaster recovery.
  • Assess the success of the backup schedule by comparing the number of planned backups to completed backups.
  • Track the number of times source data jobs have been executed within the past 30 days and what percentage of Extract Transform Load (ETL) tasks failed.

Click the information icon by a panel  to learn about its metrics and how the system calculates them.


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