To create a new detour, click the plus icon in the Active Detours tab. This icon opens the Detours section of the ETMS in a separate browser window, depending on the default setting for your computer. Avail recommends using Chrome or Edge. Below is the initial page load:
In this window, specify the following information about the detour:
- Detour Name: Name of the detour used in the main grid and any notification templates (required).
- Cause: The cause of the detour. The GTFS Real-time feed displays this cause. The GTFS Real-time specification defines the choices in the list (required).
- Effect: The effect of the detour. The GTFS Real-time feed displays this effect. The GTFS Real-time specification defines the choices in the list (required).
- Active: Enable or disable the Inactive detours appear in the “Expired Detours” tab on the main detour screen.
- Date and Time Range: The Date and Time ranges are separate values, which allows you to customize what is needed. The default setting is set to "all day".
- Days of Week: By default, all days are all set to ON, but you can turn days OFF when a detour is only valid during certain days of the week, such as Monday through Friday.
TIP: When defining a detour that starts in the future, consider setting the end date first to avoid a potential validation error. By using a combination of Date and Time Range and the Days of the Week, you can define detours that are active for multiple weeks but only on some days or during certain hours for the range. For example, detours might not be in effect during the weekend or outside of 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Video Demo
In this video, we'll demonstrate how to create a detour with moved stops, beginning in the myAvail Dispatch application.